Prince Charles Presented His ‘$60 Trillions’ Swindle to the G20
Nov. 1, 2021 (EIRNS)—The just-concluded G20 in Rome will go down in history as the worst ever, unless the next one in Jakarta beats it. As reported in today’s EIR Daily Alert host Mario Draghi introduced Prince Charles to present his “Sustainable Market Initiative” to the heads of state and government (18 of them, without Putin and Xi) in an unprecedented move in the Oct. 31 session. This was before the final communiqué was released.
Charles boasted about his success in getting some 300 corporations (“including the financial services”), representing $60 trillion in assets under management, onboard his initiative. However, those trillions will be mobilized under three conditions which governments must provide: 1) clear policy guidelines and rules; 2) aligning public and private actors including higher carbon prices; 3) “sovereign risk guarantees.”
Especially the latter means governments must guarantee that there is a return on investment for Charles’s Davos friends.
Before the session with Charles, the leaders were gathered in front of the Trevi Fountain for a pagan ritual of throwing a coin in the fountain (there are two versions of this rite, the older one going back to the Romans propitiating the gods).
As former Italian Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti said on the eve of the G20, it would be “a tourist initiative,” which is “grotesque,” given the tasks facing the leaders. Tremonti said maybe only the thrust on vaccines is something real; “the rest is a replica of failed things.”
“The same elites who have produced emissions are now acting as candidates to lead the Green Revolution. Not accidentally, that is the one that brings the most financial return.”
As to the final communiqué, the failure to rein China, India, Russia and other countries into the de-carbonization agenda was underscored by the passage on carbon neutrality, which de facto has no deadline: “acknowledging the key relevance of achieving global net-zero greenhouse gas emissions or carbon neutrality by or around mid-century.”