COP26 Organizers Fume at Key Nations’ Reluctance To Commit Suicide
Nov. 3, 2021 (EIRNS)—President Joe Biden reflected the British Empire’s frustration and disappointment at the direction things have taken at the COP26 summit in Glasgow, in remarks to the press yesterday: “I indicated that China and Russia not showing up—and Saudi Arabia—is a problem,” Biden said. “We showed up, and by showing up, we’ve had a profound impact on the way I think the rest of the world is looking at the United States and its leadership role,” Biden said.
Biden then wagged his finger sternly at China in particular: “I think it’s been a big mistake, quite frankly, for China, with respect to China, not showing up. The rest of the world will look to China and say, ‘What value-added are they providing?’ And they’ve lost an ability to influence people around the world and all the people here at COP. The same way, I would argue, with regard to Russia.”
The irony was not lost on Steve Milloy, a Heartland Institute leader and founder of JunkScience.com, who told Fox News: “Biden’s slam of Chinese President Xi and Russian President Putin for not showing up at COP26 is a sad indication of Biden’s failure to grasp or accept real-world realities.... Neither country has any interest in hamstringing its own economy with destructive climate regulations.”
He continued: “Rather, Xi and Putin seem to have taken to heart the Napoleonic principle of never interfering with your opponent while he is in the process of destroying himself, which is exactly what the U.S. and Europe are doing with their suicidal embrace of climate idiocy.”
COP26 has indeed not gone the way the British Royals had envisioned and demanded. Prince Charles had announced 18 months ago that the world had precisely 18 months left to fully implement the Malthusian Green Reset, and that goal has for sure not been met. Putin is making fun of the entire COP26 endeavor; China has praised the green intention but stubbornly insisted that its own priorities are different and come first; India has agreed to promise anything and everything under the Sun—for 2070, a half century from today. And even significant layers of an American population benumbed by media barrages and other drugs, have at least remembered how to say “no,” as the Nov. 2 elections made clear.
But “no” alone won’t work—not internationally, and not in the U.S. The “yes” part—the elaboration and implementation of the viable economic, scientific and cultural policies to forge a new Renaissance, as uniquely provided by Lyndon LaRouche over the past half-century, will be addressed in depth at the Schiller Institute conference on Nov. 13-14.