Schiller Institute Event Brings Haiti Development Plan to Spanish-Speaking Audience
Nov. 7, 2021 (EIRNS)—Some 40 people from nine countries in the Americas participated in a Spanish-language international dialogue on “The Schiller Institute Plan for the Development of Haiti” held Nov. 6 via Zoom videoconference. The opening presentations were made by EIR’s Dennis Small and Plan co-author Cynthia Rush, followed by remarks from three respondents: Domingo Reyes (Dominican Republic, economist); Billy Anders Estimé (Haiti, co-founder of Café Diplo Haiti); and Caonabo Suárez (Dominican Republic, water expert). All three respondents emphasized the importance of the Schiller Institute’s global approach to solving the Haiti problem, denounced attempts to pit Haitians and Dominicans against each other, and urged the widest possible circulation of the Schiller Institute Plan (now available in English, Spanish, and French versions).
The dialogue lasted almost three hours, and is now posted on the EIR Espanol YouTube channel. The countries represented were Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and the U.S.
Billy Anders Estimé, a young Haitian leader who had also participated in the Oct. 23 international youth dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, read a statement to the meeting.