Journalist Excoriates ‘Unfathomably Wealthy’ Billionaires Who Could End World Hunger, But Won’t
Nov. 8, 2021 (EIRNS)—In a Oct. 31 article on her website, journalist Caitlin Johnstone rakes over the coals the “unfathomably wealthy class” of billionaires whose billions would allow them to help end world hunger, but who are so “emotionally and psychologically stunted” that they refuse to do so. Reporting the United Nations’ figure of an additional $30 billion a year that would be needed to end world hunger, Johnstone points out that according to the website, America’s billionaires have a combined net worth of $5.1 trillion—a 70% increase from their combined net worth of under $3 trillion at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. All it would take would be for them to take just a portion of their vast wealth to ensure that everyone gets enough to eat. But they don’t.
Johnstone offers an apt comparison of the depraved indifference and insanity such behavior reflects.
“Imagine if you had seen a video clip of me calmly watching a child drown to death in a swimming pool and doing nothing to help. After watching such footage, would it ever in a million years occur to you that I am someone who should be in charge of the entire world? I’m going to guess no.... Now imagine if instead of letting one child drown, it was millions. That’s how absolutely insane it is that we allow this class to shape our civilization. And we most certainly do allow them to shape our civilization.”
The gaggle of billionaires with their yachts and private jets seen at the COP26 ghouls’ gathering was proof of that.
Everything that Johnstone mentions implies the need for a new paradigm—a new global health system and infrastructure designed to defend the general welfare. She put this in her own words documenting the many anti-human causes advocated by Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, George Soros and others of their ilk, and the nefarious effects their actions have on people’s lives and health, through control of the media, disinformation, influencing politics, etc. She highlights the role of the World Economic Forum and its agenda “for giant corporations to ... become open partners in the governance of world affairs alongside our official elected governments—with more power than before,” and concludes appropriately that “nobody who chooses day-after-day to let millions of people die of starvation has any business making decisions which affect other people, much less decisions which affect everyone. The fact that the billionaire class and its lackeys make this depraved decision day in and day out permanently disqualifies them from any legitimate claim to having the empathy and compassion that would be required for such a job.” [Emphases in original.]