Retreat from the Brink? Biden-Xi; Merkel Lukashenko; Macron-Putin
Nov. 16, 2021 (EIRNS)—As the British Empire licks its wounds over the failure of COP26, as Prince Charles and the Western banking elite failed to force the developing nations of the world to commit suicide by shutting down their fossil fuels, several leaders of the Western powers today took the most unusual—and most welcome—step of trying to pull back from the brink of military confrontation with Russia and China.
U.S. President Joe Biden spent three and a half hours, until after midnight in Washington, in a virtual face-to-face discussion with President Xi Jinping, potentially pulling back from the saber rattling over Taiwan and collaborating in facing the world health crisis.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel spent nearly an hour speaking with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, undermining the war party’s campaign to impose a color revolution against the Belarus President and provoking military action on the Poland-Belarus border.
French President Emmanuel Macron spent one and three-quarter hours on the phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin, addressing the migrant issue on the Belarus-Poland border, but also other hotspots, including Ukraine and Libya.
In all three cases, the war party was not pleased, as we document below.
It is not a coincidence that these quite sane diplomatic initiatives take place at this time. The failure of the climate-disaster hoax in Glasgow was followed by an historic Schiller Institute conference on Nov. 13-14, which addressed real solutions to the existential crisis facing mankind today, with leading speakers from around the world demonstrating that: 1) the strategic confrontation pitting the U.S. against Russia and China is both insane and avoidable; 2) the hyperinflationary explosion now underway is intentional, but can be resolved with LaRouche’s Four Laws and a New Bretton Woods conference; 3) the notion that carbon causes global warming, justifying the destruction of productive economies worldwide while ignoring mass starvation in places such as Afghanistan and Haiti, is a conscious lie; and 4) the cultural disintegration into a new Dark Age of drugs, sexual perversity, and glorified violence can, and must be, reversed through a global renaissance, drawing on the greatest periods of every nation’s cultural heritage.
President Biden assured President Xi that the U.S. does not want a Cold War, will honor America’s commitment to One China, and intends to maintain regular contact between “old friends.” President Xi, while appreciating such a retreat from the war provocations and economic sabotage of the past four years—including from the Biden Cabinet—hoped there would be “concrete actions” to back up the words. “The right thing to do is to choose mutual benefit over zero-sum games or the I-win-you-lose approach,” said the Chinese President. Global Times reported that Biden made three promises: that the U.S. would not seek to change the Chinese system; that the U.S. revitalization of alliances would not be aimed at China; and that there would be no intentional clash with China.
Taking a long view of history, as Lyndon LaRouche insisted throughout his life, Xi said: “The most important event in international relations in the coming 50 years will be for China and the U.S. to find the right way to get along. History is a fair judge.” He called for the U.S. and China to work together, especially in addressing the global health emergency.
But the international crisis has not been resolved. The danger of global war is greater than at any time since World War II. The financial breakdown is accelerating. The COVID-19 pandemic has doubled over the past two weeks, not abated. The drug scourge has doubled over the past decade, while mindless politicians across the U.S. continue legalizing the poison which is destroying their children.
Yet the introduction of beauty through Classical music, which opened each of the four panels of the Schiller Institute Nov. 13-14 conference, is the language of the creative spirit which unites all mankind. The Schiller Institute is increasingly seen around the world as the platform for the “heavy” ideas and the universal search for truth and beauty, both in scientific investigation and in artistic expression, which can lead mankind out of this crisis to a new paradigm of a truly human civilization. If you have not already, take the time now to watch the conference, and become a member of the Schiller Institute.