Omicron: Urgent Need for a Modern Health System in Every Nation
Nov. 30, 2021 (EIRNS)—Helga Zepp-LaRouche has now urged the movement associated with her, in every nation where it is active and has outreach, to focus on the necessity to catalyze the construction of a modern system of hospital, healthcare, and research facilities in every nation, as a defense of the human race and the planet against pandemics. Taking the worldwide spread and capabilities of pandemic viruses seriously, has been postponed and played with for long enough in the COVID case—possibly too long.
Truly worldwide vaccination, which is urgent, is only one step back from the brink.
Already 21 months ago, on March 13, 2020, Helga Zepp-LaRouche wrote an editorial statement for the Schiller Institute in EIR, “COVID-19 Pandemic Forces Re-Thinking: International Cooperation Indispensable!” with an accompanying fact sheet “Urgent Physical-Economic Requirements To Fight the Pandemic.” She wrote then:
“If we want to prevent the coronavirus pandemic from spreading in waves and migrating from the Northern to the Southern Hemisphere and back— thus potentially creating the breeding grounds for additional similar and worse viruses—we must initiate radical changes.
“Hospitals with isolation wards must be built throughout the world, following the example of the city of Wuhan and Hubei Province, which built a total of 14 temporary hospitals, including the necessary intensive care beds. World Health Organization standards must be observed in doing so. China, for example, built facilities with 16,000 new hospital beds in just one month.
“International scientific research centers must be established for research on the COVID-19 virus and other viral and bacterial pathogens. Vaccines must be developed and tested. The results of research in biophysics, nuclear biology and space medicine must be made available immediately to all nations. The point of reference for this is the conception of a Strategic Defense of Earth developed by Lyndon LaRouche, in which the protection of human life from pandemics is one focal point.”
A great mobilization was needed then, and now: 10 million new hospital beds worldwide in 30,000 new hospitals and clinical centers; new laboratory facilities; 200 new gigawatts of reliable baseload electric power which is essential to such capacities; a tremendous years-long recruitment, including among youth, of 9-10 million physicians and assistants, nurses, engineers, laboratory technicians.
“These worldwide measures,” Zepp-LaRouche wrote,
“require investments that cannot be made under the conditions of the present, collapsing financial system. The current actions of the central banks in injecting liquidity into this financial system by the trillions of dollars, and even the allocation of budget funds by governments, is due to a hyperinflationary monetary explosion, and is unsustainable.”
Therefore, she concluded, the “four economic laws” proposed by her husband Lyndon LaRouche were needed for this international construction, beginning with Glass-Steagall bank reorganization and introduction of Hamiltonian national banking.
Now former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders, in an open letter Nov. 23, just days before the Omicron variant of the COVID virus was identified, “called upon virologists and medical experts throughout the globe to undertake an international, coordinated and integrated educational campaign to establish a sane approach to deal with this and potentially future pandemics.” Dr. Elders was in 2020 the co-founder with Helga LaRouche of the Committee on the Coincidence of Opposites, which has cooperative contacts with physicians and nurses organizations and with medical educators. She asks for a mobilization of ideas, as Helga LaRouche did in March 2020, on these questions:
“What is public health and how must we join forces to implement tried and tested basic public health measures, including sanitation, clean water and nutritious food, and the provision of preventive and ameliorative medicines, including vaccines, essential to defeating this pandemic?
“What is the comparative efficacy of the various vaccines and other measures now deployed in different nations and regions in preventing serious illness and death?
“How do we provide adequate numbers of hospitals, health facilities and medical personnel in every nation, including the systematic recruitment of youth community health workers to assist now, as the pandemic is brought under control?...
“What the world now requires, to address the ensemble of diseases we could be facing, is the establishment of a modern healthcare system in every nation, including food, clean and safe water, electricity, decent housing, sanitation, roads and other infrastructure.”
An emergency meeting, “Omicron: Urgent Need for a World Health System,” is called for broadcast on the Internet this Saturday, Dec. 4 at 1:00 p.m. EST. Register and join in helping to organize it.