U.S. and Japan Release Bellicose Joint Statement in Biden-Kishida White House Meeting
Jan. 13, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)—Following their meeting at the White House today, President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio issued a bellicose Joint Statement, proclaiming undying devotion to the rules-based international order and defying anyone to challenge it—but claim that China is already doing that. In statements made prior to their private meeting, Biden went out of his way to assert “let me be crystal clear. The United States is fully, thoroughly, completely committed to the alliance and more importantly to Japan’s defense—the defense of Japan.”
Kishida chimed in that Japan and the U.S. are facing “the most challenging and complex security environment in recent history,” which required Japan to formulate a new national defense strategy and vastly increase its defense budget. This new defense strategy is required, their joint statement explains, because of “growing challenges from actions inconsistent with the rules based order by China” and, of course, by North Korea.
This is the context in which Biden offered the U.S.’s “unwavering” commitment to Japan’s defense under Article V of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security, “using its full range of capabilities including nuclear” (emphasis added). Article VI also applies to the Senkaku Islands (which in China are known as the Diaoyu Dao, seized by Japan in 1895). Japan, he said, has shown “bold leadership” in adopting a new National Security Strategy, National Defense Strategy and Defense Buildup Program.
The statement refers to some of the agreements and commitments made in the “2+2” meetings of defense and foreign ministers two days ago, adding condemnation of Russia and commitment to continue imposing sanctions on Russia while providing “unwavering” support for Ukraine.
There is heavy emphasis on the U.S. and Japan’s ostensible “economic leadership” which is also going to uphold a “free, fair and rules-based economic order” through Japan’s presidency of the G7, the U.S. hosting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC) this year, and the G7 summit later this year at Hiroshima, all of which is intended to demonstrate the G7’s “commitment to upholding the international order based on the rule of law.”
The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) boondoggle is presented as the vehicle through which economic, technological, energy, climate and even space goals are to be achieved. The statement asserts that the “unbreakable” relationship between Japan and the U.S. will also lay the basis for pulling in other nations “in the region and beyond for the benefit of the Indo-Pacific and the world.” With India and Australia, “we will ensure the Quad continues to be a force for good.”
China had a few things to say about this travesty. Asked about the joint statement, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin replied at today’s press briefing that it “smacks heavily of a zero-sum Cold War mentality and contains groundless smears and attacks on China. The U.S. and Japan claim to advance regional peace and security, but what they do is find pretexts for military buildup and willful use of force. They claim to champion a free and open Indo-Pacific region, but what they do is put up various exclusionary blocs to create division and confrontation.
“They claim to uphold the rules-based international order, but what they do is trample on international law and the basic norms governing international relations and grossly interfere in other countries’ internal affairs. What they have done poses a real challenge to regional peace, security and stability. The Asia-Pacific is an anchor for peace and development, not a wrestling ground for geopolitical competition,”
Wang said.