The Active Concept of Peace, ‘Resurrect the True Mission of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and JFK’
Jan. 13, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)—The Schiller Institute online symposium set for Saturday, Jan. 14, on the occasion of the national U.S. holiday weekend honoring the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is a critical intervention in a world with two fast-moving vectors: the Global NATO war drive threatening nuclear holocaust, and the counter to that, which is not simply “anti-war,” but is the drive for deliberate development in the interests of all humanity—the active concept of peace.
Make sure to attend and spread the report back of the Jan. 14 event, at 10:00 a.m. EST, titled, “Resurrect the True Mission of JFK and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: Stop NATO’s World War, and Dismantle the ‘International Assassination Bureau.’ ”
The “international assassination bureau” has been in operation for decades, as an integral part of the geopolitical world war faction. The Schiller Institute event speakers will detail the need-to-know history, with reports from specific nations, all from the point of view of mobilizing to expose and shut it down. As the invitation states, the symposium “will explore how to resurrect the mission of ‘nonviolence or nonexistence’ to stop thermonuclear war, a mission of the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Robert Kennedy, and President John F. Kennedy.”
The latest dramatic expression of Global NATO is the Joint Statement released today by President Joe Biden and his guest at the White House, Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio. The opening of the document calls for U.S.-Japan cooperation against “actions inconsistent with the rules-based international order by China,” and against Russia, because it “continues to wage its unjust and brutal war of aggression against Ukraine.”
The document then highlights Biden’s praise for “Japan’s bold leadership in fundamentally reinforcing its defense capabilities ... as illustrated in the new National Security Strategy, National Defense Strategy and Defense Buildup Program.” The statement throws in that Japan will use its current chairmanship of the Group of Seven, and alliance with the U.S. to further the “economic rules-based order” as well.
The galloping militarization demanded by Global NATO in the Indo-Pacific, as well as in Europe, and in any other target location—as now in Ibero-America—has reached the point of extreme danger. However, the belligerence is completely exposed for the madness it is, to those now waking up to it.
A strong voice in Germany this week, warning of the nuclear war dangers, is that of Gen. Erich Vad (ret.), former security adviser (2006-2013) to Chancellor Angel Merkel. When asked about prospects in 2023, he said, “There has to be a broader front for peace in Washington. And the senseless Actionism [for military support for Ukraine] in German politics must finally come to an end. Otherwise, we’ll wake up one morning and find ourselves in the middle of the Third World War.” Among other points, he slammed the media for their lies, war-promotion, and uniformity. His complete interview is in Documentation.
At the same time, only a few days into the new year, there are dramatic initiatives toward a new world framework of potential development, which is the basis for lasting peace. Look at just this week’s international activities, especially in Asia and Africa.
Group of 77: The rotating chairmanship was handed over Jan. 12 from Pakistan to Cuba, and the occasion at the United Nations in New York City was used by the Pakistani Ambassador to the UN and others to speak of a new world “governance” framework coming into existence. Ambassador Munir Akram, speaking in advance of the G77 ceremony, emphasized the necessity of establishing alternatives to the current U.S.-dominated global financial system—a sentiment expressed by a growing number of developing nations. The G77 is the oldest and largest grouping, now with 134 nations, within the UN.
Group of 20: In India, which holds the rotating chairmanship for the G20 this year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi hosted an international event online over Jan. 12-13, attended by 120 ministers from dozens of nations, and also 10 heads of state and government, on “Voices of the Global South.” Stating yesterday that India’s presidency of the G20 had chosen the theme of “One Earth, One Family, One Future,” he said that “We, the Global South, have the largest stakes in the future.... Hence, as the eight-decade-old model of global governance slowly changes, we should try to shape the emerging order.” Without naming Britain, Modi made his point clear about the enemies of development, saying, “In the last century, we supported each other in our fight against foreign rule. We can do it again in this century to create a new world order that will ensure the welfare of our citizens.”
Africa: Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang is on his five-nation visit to the continent, a 33-year-old tradition for China to make Africa the first visit by the foreign minister at the beginning of each year.
In Addis Ababa, meeting with Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chair of the African Union Commission Jan. 11, Qin openly stressed China’s continued commitment for development projects. One of the highlights of the Addis Ababa visit was the ceremony inaugurating the African CDC headquarters, attended by ambassadors from AU countries to Ethiopia and the Chinese ambassador to the AU, among others. Qin said that “today, our world, our times and history are changing in ways like never before. The collective rise of developing countries is irreversible.” China and Africa, he continued, should “oppose hegemony, bullying, highhandedness and racial discrimination, and jointly safeguard true multilateralism and promote greater democracy in international relations.”
Qin’s Jan. 10-16 tour will also include visits, in order, to Ethiopia, Gabon, Angola, Benin, and Egypt.
These activities signify humanity on the move, and give heart and courage to those dedicated to making a miracle in the United States and Europe, to bust loose the Transatlantic population from the thrall and terror of Global NATO. The reports and dialogue at the Schiller Institute Jan. 14 symposium will add to this objective, in presenting the full scope and nature of the “assassination bureau” network that must be brought to an end.
A small but significant instance of spirit occurred this morning outside the United Nations in Manhattan. A group of mostly young American students from the Northeast held a rally, attended by international leader Diane Sare and friends, which caught the happy attention of many diplomats from around the world. The students’ signs declared, “U.S.—Out of NATO!” and “No War with Russia!”
Everyone’s effort counts for making miracles. Attend and spread the word on the Jan. 14 event, “Resurrect the True Mission of JFK and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Stop NATO’s World War and Dismantle the ‘International Assassination Bureau.’ ”