Boris Johnson Deploys to Kiev, Again
Jan. 23, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)—Yesterday, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson paid a “surprise” visit to Kiev. “Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson has added to the pressure on Germany to authorize tank deliveries to Ukraine during a surprise visit to Kiev,” reported the Daily Telegraph of London. “He said ‘this is the moment to double down, and to give the Ukrainians all the tools they need’ after touring the bombed suburbs of Ukraine’s capital. Mr. Johnson, whose firm support made him highly popular in the country, was greeted by Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy outside his presidential office. In a video, Mr. Zelenskyy thanks Mr. Johnson for Britain’s aid as the two sit face-to-face in a gilded conference room.”
The story includes a clip of Johnson greeting Zelenskyy, and shaking hands with a receiving line of 8-10 advisors/government officials, and his statement that the U.K. will stand by Ukraine all the way. The Telegraph plays the visit as a slap at Germany over stalling the delivery of Leopards (and cites reports of Jake Sullivan and Austin tense reprimands to the Germans). The Telegraph reports on discussions in the U.K. over whether Prime Minister Rishi Sunak approved the trip. (Note: The trip was likely also to ensure the Ukrainian government does not flinch).