Program for Feb 4, 2023 Schiller Institute Conference
Jan. 31, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)—The following is a preliminary program for the Feb. 4 Schiller Institute conference, “The Age of Reason or the Annihilation of Humanity?”
Panel 1: How Nuclear World War III Can Be Avoided
(Saturday, Feb. 4, 10:00 am EST; 4:00 pm CET)
Moderator: Dennis Speed, The Schiller Institute
Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany), Founder, The Schiller Institute: “How To Avoid Nuclear War: The Nature of Man”
H.E. Donald Ramotar (Guyana), former President of Guyana: “Russia/Ukraine and Its Importance for the Global South”
Ambassador Chas Freeman (United States), former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, former Deputy Chief of Mission to China: “We Must Change America To Avert War”
Dr. Jur. Wolfgang Bittner (Germany), Jurist, Author: “We Are in War Mode”
Sam Pitroda (U.S./India), Telecom and IT Innovator; “Potential for Peace in a Hyperconnected World”
Diane Sare (United States), candidate for U.S. Senate (New York); Nick Brana (United States), National Chairman, People’s Party; Angela McArdle (United States), Chairwoman, Libertarian National Committee: “Can Americans Put Aside Their Divisions To Stop Nuclear War?”
Religious Leaders (United States)
Question and Answer Session
Panel 2: The Name of Peace: A New Security and Economic Development Architecture
(Saturday, Feb. 4, 2:00 pm EST; 8:00 pm CET)
Moderator: Dennis Small, The Schiller Institute and Executive Intelligence Review (EIR)
Jacques Cheminade (France), President of Solidarité et Progrès party, former Presidential candidate: “LaRouche’s Design for the New Paradigm”
Shakeel Ahmad Ramay (Pakistan), CEO, Asian Institute of Eco-Civilization Research and Development: “Sustainable Peace through Inclusive Development: A Case Study of GDI and GSI”
Prof. Liu Haifang (China), Beijing University: “EU-China-Africa Relations and the New Architecture”
Dr. Fred M’membe, (Zambia), President of the Socialist Party of Zambia; former editor, Zambia Post; former Presidential candidate
Elison Karuhanga (Uganda), Attorney; Expert in Energy Law; former State Attorney, Directorate of Civil Litigation, Attorney General’s Chambers.
Prof. Yoro Diallo, (Mali/China), Executive Director, Center for Francophone Studies; Director, African Museum, Institute of African Studies, Zhejiang Normal University, China: “Sino-Africa Cooperation: Building a Community of Peace and Shared Development”
Marcelo Muñoz (Spain), Founder and President Emeritus of Cátedra China think tank: “If Europe Decouples from China, It Will Sink into Poverty”
Julio De Vido (Argentina), former Minister of Planning and Public Investment, former Member of Congress: “BRICS-Plus: Bringing the Belt and Road Initiative into the Americas”
Pedro Pinho (Brazil), President, Association of Petrobras Engineers (AEPET): “Brazil Must Back its BRICS Partners to End the Unipolar World Order”
Celeste Sáenz de Miera (Mexico), Secretary General, Mexico Journalists Club
Question and Answer Session