Building a Coalition for Durable Peace
Feb. 10, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)— Helga Zepp-LaRouche took to Twitter today to organize thousands of people around a durable peace built upon a new security and development framework in which the fundamental interests of all nations are respected. Kim Dotcom, who hosted the Twitter Space, at first applauded Zepp-LaRouche for her “beautiful” vision and her intention to bring it about, while remaining pessimistic about the potential to bring it into being. But as the discussion unfolded and additional voices entered the conversation, Zepp-LaRouche’s committed optimism carried the day.
“This space turned into a wonderful effort to save the world. We must at least try. Here’s the plan: Let’s get religious leaders around the world to mobilize their followers and launch a peace movement against the war in Ukraine to prevent a potential nuclear war,” Kim Dotcom tweeted after the event, which he concluded by inviting Helga Zepp-LaRouche to become a regular guest on future shows, which he will announce to his 1.3 million Twitter followers.
All told, his three tweets about the event, to which 10,000 people tuned in during the live streaming, have garnered 350,000 impressions, earned thousands of likes, and provoked nearly 1,000 comments.
They were not the only two Germans to act for peace today. German Die Linke politician Sahra Wagenknecht and feminist publisher Alice Schwarzer have launched a petition for peace (in German) and are building for a peace rally in Berlin on February 25. “Negotiating does not mean surrendering,” they say. “Negotiating means compromises, on both sides. With the goal of preventing further hundreds of thousands of deaths and worse. That’s what we think too, and that’s what half of the German population thinks. It’s time to listen to us!”
As far as the war drive goes, the economic collapse and the expansion of the military are running neck and neck, with the increase in U.S. debt service exceeding the military increase for the proxy war against Russia. With interest rates rising, making interest payments on the more than $30 trillion in U.S. debt becomes more and more expensive.
Testimony by former Twitter executives at hearings by the House Oversight Committee is painting a picture of the decision to interfere in the 2020 election by suppressing coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop as having eerie parallels with the concoction of Guccifer 2.0 as the mythical Russian hacker who provided DNC emails to WikiLeaks—the inciting event for the Russiagate claims of Russian involvement in the 2016 election. The Hunter Biden laptop story, published by the New York Post on October 14, 2020, came only a few weeks after a table-top “exercise”—run by the Aspen Institute—to game out the release of supposed Russian disinformation related to Biden in the run-up to the election. Knowing that dangerous material was about to come out, those intent on putting Biden in the White House seeded social media executives with the narrative of a Russian plot. In 2016, with Julian Assange hinting that something big about Hillary Clinton was coming, the DNC pulled together a story that the materials to be published by WikiLeaks were not supplied by an insider mad at the party’s “fixing” the nomination for Clinton, but rather by a Russian hacker invented for the purpose: Guccifer 2.0.
The greatest purveyors of disinformation are those who insist that Russia must be defeated, that the military operation in Ukraine was “unprovoked,” that Russia blew up its own Nord Stream pipelines, that Chinese balloons savagely menace our way of life, and whatever new stories are cooked up next to manufacture support for a war that could end humanity, all in the face of a tottering economic system desperately in need of a physical-scientific revival.
We are just slightly more than one week from the February 19 peace rally in Washington, D.C., which may serve as an inflection point in breaking more widely into the public discourse. There is much to be done. Let us ask, as did Cotton Mather, “What Good can I do today?”