Hersh Promises More To Come
Feb. 15, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)—Seymour Hersh, in a short entry on his blog today titled “Crap on the Wall,” following the explosive appearance of his exposé on the Biden Administration’s plot to blow up the Nord Stream pipelines, promises that he will have more to come. The title is a reference to then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who reacted to Hersh’s 2004 exposé of U.S. torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, calling it another example of Hersh throwing “crap”—that was the word used by an assistant secretary of defense—“on a wall to see what sticks.”
Hersh remarks that he is an “old hand at dropping bombshell stories that are based on the disclosures of sources I do not, and cannot, name.” He also reports that “There is a pattern to the response by the mainstream media,” going all the way back to his breaking the story of the massacre at My Lai, Vietnam in 1969, which was first published in five installments “I had tried to get the two most important magazines in America, Life and Look, to publish the story, with no success,” Hersh writes. “Editors at both publications had earlier invited me to do some freelance writing for them, but they wanted nothing to do with a story about a massacre committed by American soldiers.” And that has been the pattern with his exposés ever since.
Neither the New York Times, for which Hersh was an investigative reporter from 1972 to 1979, nor the Washington Post has published a word about Hersh’s story on the Nord Stream pipelines, he reveals. “Similarly, public calls by officials in Russia and China for a full investigation of the pipeline story have been ignored by the U.S. media.”
“There may be more to learn about Joe Biden’s decision to prevent the German government from having second thoughts about the lack of cheap gas this winter,” he concludes. “Stay tuned. We are only on first base....”