Archbishop Gallagher Affirms, the Vatican Is Open to All Stakeholders for Peace in Ukraine
Feb. 24, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)—Vatican Secretary for Relations with States and International Organizations Archbishop Paul Gallagher was interviewed Feb. 23 by Vatican News on the Vatican effort to bring peace to Ukraine. Without ever going into the details of the Vatican initiative, Gallagher said that it is informed by the will of
“always keeping a certain openness towards the stakeholders, for a future negotiation that should put an end to this terrible war. I think that this is our role. Whereas for Ukraine itself and for many others it is difficult to speak of dialogue and peace, of reconciliation, this is something that the Church, the Holy See and the Holy Father can and should do, and this is fundamental: keeping the dream of peace in mind. We understand how difficult it is for many at this terrible time of suffering, to think about peace in these terms, but someone has to do so because in the end there will be a conclusion to this terrible war, and we hope that this end may come soon.”
He further says that “while recognizing the seriousness of Russia’s actions, we see that Russia is a very important country, a country with a long history, and in the end we have to rebuild peace relations with this Russia, in the future. And this also makes the progression of the war particularly difficult.”
Gallagher said that when he was in Kiev last May,
“The experience of being present there changed me profoundly, seeing the suffering.... I have no doubt that all Ukrainians dream of peace; this is normal. When fathers and mothers look at their children, they hope that they will be able to grow up in a peaceful country. They must hold on to this dream, despite the suffering, despite the difficulties, despite the obviously strained relations with Russia and with Russians at this time. However, they too must preserve—perhaps even by remembering the years of freedom, the years of peace which that country experienced after its independence—they must look to the future with a certain optimism, already striving to think about the country’s reconstruction. There will be much to rebuild and reconcile in the country.”