Helga Zepp-LaRouche Discusses China’s Peace Proposal for Ukraine on Pakistani TV’s ‘Views on News’
Feb. 28, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)—On Feb. 27, Helga Zepp-LaRouche was one of four invited guests on the “Views on News” program broadcast by Pakistan’s PTV. The other guests were: Michael Kugelman, deputy director of the Asia Program at the Wilson Center in Washington; Prof. Dr. Aqab Malik with the Center for International Peace and Stability (CIPS), National University of Science & Technology (NUST); and Air Commodore Basit Raza Abbasi (ret.), senior analyst.
The program was focused on the Ukraine crisis, and the Chinese 12-point peace framework, which has drawn positive comments even from Ukrainian President Zelenskyy.
The Chinese proposal was welcomed by all panelists as representing a path forward through a focus on reducing the loss of lives and military destruction. Zepp-LaRouche spoke to the potential for the Nord Stream destruction to split the NATO alliance. If the report by Seymour Hersh is true, and NATO member Norway attacked another NATO nation, then how could the alliance stay intact?
Zepp-LaRouche was asked about Blinken’s warning to China not to supply weapons to Russia, and about U.S.-EU-NATO relations with China more broadly. She responded that European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is against the Chinese proposal, and that many EU member states are seeking to “diversify” away from China. Zepp-LaRouche added that China’s 12-point outline should be seen in the context of a growing number of peace proposals. Brazil’s President Lula da Silva has called for a peace club among nations of the Global South, and he will be going to China to discuss it (among other topics) with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Turkish President Erdogan has offered to help with peace talks. Italian Gen. Fabio Mini (ret.) has made a proposal. The Pope’s offer of the Vatican as a venue for peace talks is extremely important.
We must not allow a world in which an accident could lead to the thermonuclear annihilation of the human race. There is no way to win a war against Russia, Zepp-LaRouche added.
This is a new world crisis. Although the two World Wars were terrible, the only nuclear weapons were used at the very end of the war. What would war look like today?
As to the shifting of power, she told viewers that the BRICS nations already exceed the G7 economically. World power is shifting to Asia, to the Global South. And the Global South should speak up for peace!
Asked for her views on the U.S. response to this shift in world power, Zepp-LaRouche said that the U.S. should join the new paradigm. John Quincy Adams had denounced the idea of the U.S. going abroad in search of monsters to destroy. Abraham Lincoln’s collaboration with Mexican President Benito Juárez, the presidencies of FDR and JFK—these show the real potential of the U.S.
Is there a real risk of nuclear war? Yes, she replied. Unlike the Cuban Missile Crisis, today there is no trust. Kennedy and Khrushchev were in communication. But what about today? After Merkel and Hollande admitted that they used the Minsk agreements used simply to buy time to arm Ukraine, how can Russia take seriously any words from such nations?
Overall, the world needs a new security and development architecture, for which Zepp-LaRouche has advanced a ten-point outline. NATO should have been dissolved with the Warsaw Pact in 1991. In today’s world, China’s Global Security Initiative and Global Development Initiative point in the right direction.