Nuland Frets Over Fading Support for World War III Project in Ukraine
Feb. 28, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)—Neo-con heavy and the Maidan coup’s queen Victoria Nuland has taken aim at the voices not on board for World War III, labeling them as part of the dreaded “fringe.” Nuland, who is presently the State Department’s Under Secretary for Political Affairs, is likely unnerved by the demonstration over this past weekend by more than 50,000 people in Berlin and other cities in Germany, who went into the streets protesting NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine, with thousands more protesting across Europe. Those protests built upon a smaller, yet focused, “Rage Against the War Machine” protest of a few thousand people in Washington, D.C., on Feb. 19, which explicitly rejected the fake left-versus-right paradigm.
Speaking to a Feb. 27 event hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Congress, Nuland stated that “on the fringes of both parties, people are starting to question, but fundamentally, when you look at how this issue is polling around the country, Americans hate a bully,” though not clarifying to which bully she was referring. Nuland also tried to downplay those on the “fringe,” by noting that the U.S. has contributed more than $30 billion to Ukraine. “You can’t do that without overwhelming support of both parties in the Congress,” she added.
Nuland’s comments on polling data come in the context of a recent AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll, which found that 48% of Americans support the U.S. providing weapons to Ukraine, with 29% opposed and 22% remaining on the fence. While the poll indicates that there are more people in favor of arming Ukraine than are against, it should be noted that a similar poll last May showed support at 60%; thus, the new poll indicates a 12% drop.
Nuland’s jitters about the fading support for her proxy war in Ukraine come in the context of Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz’s Feb. 9 introduction of the “Ukraine Fatigue Resolution” and its dozen co-sponsors in the U.S. House of Representatives. Elsewhere on the fringe, Elon Musk said on a Twitter post last week that “nobody is pushing this war more than Nuland,” while former President Donald Trump said in a Feb. 21 video that “for decades, we’ve had the very same people, such as Victoria Nuland and many others just like her, obsessed with pushing Ukraine toward NATO, not to mention the State Department support for uprisings in Ukraine.” Meanwhile, the Feb. 8 revelations of Seymour Hersh have identified Nuland as part of the small team that conspired to blow up Nord Stream—which if true, could have Nuland as part of the small fringe in history accused of war crimes.