German Media Claim Paternity of Fabricated Nord Stream Narrative
March 8, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)—Now Germany’s ARD broadcaster, SWR radio and Die Zeit (in German) newspaper claim that they—and not the New York Times—“discovered” the purported Ukrainian connection in the Nord Stream sabotage of last September. The New York Times hinted that U.S. sources provided their tall tale, but today the mentioned German media came out with the identical story, attributing it to what they called their own joint journalistic investigation into the activities of the German law enforcement authorities involved in the Nord Stream investigation.
“The German investigative authorities have apparently made a breakthrough in solving the attack on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines. According to a joint investigation by ARD’s capital city studio, the ARD political magazine ‘Kontraste,’ SWR and Die Zeit, it has been possible to reconstruct to a large extent how and when the explosives attack was prepared,”
they reported. “Specifically, according to information from ARD-Hauptstadtstudio, Kontraste, SWR and Zeit, investigators have succeeded in identifying the boat” used in the sabotage, Die Zeit wrote.
Was this paternity dispute over a chosen cover-up narrative the subject of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s surprise visit to Washington to meet with President Biden on March 3? Since Scholz made a big deal in their Feb. 7 press conference, about how Germany and the U.S. always do things “gemeinsam” (“together”), it makes sense that they blew up Nord Stream “gemeinsam,” and now they are organizing the coverup “gemainsam.”