Schiller Institute Activist Tells CGTN, Iran-Saudi Arabia Deal ‘Is a World Game-Changer’
March 12, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)—West Asia coordinator for the Schiller Institute in Sweden Hussein Askary appeared on CGTN’s “Talk It Out” show with hostess Li Jingjing yesterday, and discussed the seismic significance of the Iran-Saudi Arabia deal negotiated by China. On March 6-10, talks were held in Beijing. Resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries will happen in two months. Askary declared:” This is the biggest positive development in the history of this region, at least since the invasion of Iraq in 2003.... If you want to talk about a game-changer in world politics, this is it. And also, this is an embodiment of what President Xi Jinping launched as the Global Security Initiative. And, also attached to that, is the combination of the Global Security initiative and the Belt and Road Initiative, all are combined now. And this gives hope for solving problems all over the world.”
Respect for the sovereignty of each party, and non-interference in the internal affairs of the countries; diplomacy as the only way to solve problems; and economic development as the key to securing such an agreement (no security without development, no development without security) are at the foundation of the successful negotiation. Askary reported that China’s State Councilor and top diplomat Wang Yi had said that this agreement sends a message to every nation in the world, that whatever the differences people have are, no matter how high level or intense the dispute is, you should sit down and talk. This clearly applies to Ukraine. Second, this sends the message that Southwest Asia (the “Middle East”) should not be owned or controlled by any global power. The people that live here should decide their own fate. This is very important.
Askary reminded the audience that next week will mark the 20th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq by the U.S. and Britain.
“During the preparations of that invasion, I was personally involved with American economist Lyndon LaRouche, and with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, in an initiative in the Gulf, in May 2002. There was a conference sponsored by the Zayed Centre in Abu Dhabi. There were ministers there from all the Gulf countries. The idea presented there was that you cannot have security without a vision of economic development.”
Askary then showed a map of the then-proposed integration of Asia and Africa.
“If you look at the area around Iran, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, including Sudan, Turkiye, the Gulf countries, Iraq, this is the ‘continental crossroad of the world.’ The natural and human resources of the region should be used for the area itself. The land and maritime Silk Roads combine in this regions. There are 500 million people in the region, most of them very young people. $3 trillion in sovereign wealth funds exist in this area. They could be far better utilized than they are, to promote internal improvements that can improve these people’s lifetime and the living standards of the population. In December President Xi discussed with the Gulf nations. I advised that the financial sources be used for credit for BRI projects throughout the world. Hopefully the West will react positively to this development, and end its geopolitical manipulations. Not only in this area.”