Building an Accelerating Tempo of Change
April 11, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)—In his 2004 article “Toward a Second Treaty of Westphalia,” Lyndon LaRouche writes that
“often, as now, a wave of development which has been unfolding, but underrated, even usually unsuspected, unfolding over the greater part of a millennium, or even much longer, becomes suddenly ... the insistent, virtually decisive, global political issue of the present moment. It were as if the fishbowl had been smashed by external forces.”
The rate of change in the international arena is extremely rapid, with major changes occurring over months, weeks, and even days.
Syria, after surviving the regime-change operation waged against it for a dozen years, is again becoming an actor on the international stage, with its expected re-entry into the Arab League and a meeting of the foreign ministers of Syria, Russia, Turkiye, and Iran—both expected next month.
The war in Yemen, nearly a decade in duration, looks to be drawing to a close, now that the Anglo-American meddling that maintained it is taking a back seat to regional efforts at development and integration.
In Switzerland, the parliament has taken on the endless bailout outlook that allowed the government-assisted takeover of Credit Suisse by UBS, by meeting in an extraordinary session to demand a change moving forward.
De-dollarization continues apace. U.S. Treasuries are being sold by large foreign holders. The charade that Ukraine will defeat Russia is fading. The hypocrisy of those would-be defenders of a “rules-based order”—the same people who are killing Julian Assange, occupying Syria, and trying to start a war over Taiwan—is so apparent, and the potential to form a new system so palpable, that the old world order is losing its grip.
Following the publication of a letter signed by several dozen Australian federal legislators, calling for the U.S. to abandon its efforts to extradite Julian Assange for trial (the ostensible basis of his continued barbaric imprisonment in London now marking its fourth year), nearly a dozen U.S. members of Congress have signed a similar letter.
The tempo accelerates; the conclusion approaches.
Which way, world? Join the LaRouche movement’s Schiller Institute this weekend to create a new paradigm. How many of your friends and political contacts will you organize to participate?