TASS Interviews Helga Zepp-LaRouche on Pentagon Leaks
April 23, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)—Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and head of the Schiller Institute, was interviewed by TASS, published today, with the headline: “U.S. To Sacrifice Ukrainians, Put Allies at Threat—Expert,” and the featured quote, “This continuous pattern of the U.S. spying on so-called allies, will for sure erode trust in working with the U.S. more and more,” Zepp-LaRouche said.
The article opens: “The leak of Pentagon’s classified documents evidences that the U.S. is viewing Ukrainian troops as a small coin in the proxy war and puts its allies at risk, founder of The Schiller Institute Helga Zepp-LaRouche told TASS, commenting on the leak.”
Then it quotes Zepp-LaRouche:
“These leaks reveal on the one side the total surveillance control concerning the actual military situation in Ukraine, which makes the Ukrainian troops look like a pawn in a proxy war, not exactly a comfortable place to be. But then it is not so flattering that U.S. intelligence only noticed these documents in April, after they had been circulating since January.... This continuous pattern of the U.S. spying on so-called allies, will for sure erode trust in working with the U.S. more and more....
“The really disturbing issue is the implication of disinformation about the actual assessment of Ukraine’s chances of ‘winning this war on the battlefield.’ If the U.S. services had a much more pessimistic and actually more realistic view about the inability of the Ukrainians to ‘win,’ but consciously portrayed this estimate differently, then not only were the Ukrainian people sacrificed, but also the allies were lured into a policy of sending more and heavier weapons, which eventually is making them a target of a potential escalation....
“The sanctions against Russia and the weaponization of the dollar are completely backfiring: the de-dollarization is fully proceeding.... And the information war is lost as well, when the entire Global South does not buy the U.S. narrative,”
she concluded.