Putin on ‘Victory Day’: ‘Globalist Elites ... Pit People Against Each Other’
May 9, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)—Using the occasion of today’s “Victory Day” anniversary of the 1945 defeat of Nazi Germany, Russian President Vladimir Putin reminded the Western elites of the “insane ambitions” of the Nazis. He explained that “We believe that any ideology of superiority is abhorrent, criminal and deadly by its nature. However, the Western globalist elites keep speaking about their exceptionalism, pit nations against each other and split societies, provoke bloody conflicts and coups, sow hatred, Russophobia, aggressive nationalism, destroy family and traditional values which make us human. They do all that so as to keep dictating and imposing their will, their rights and rules on peoples, which in reality is a system of plundering, violence and suppression.
“They seem to have forgotten what the Nazis’ insane claims of global dominance led to. They forgot who destroyed that monstrous, total evil, who stood up for their native land and did not spare their lives to liberate the peoples of Europe. ...
“Their goal—and there is nothing new about it—is to break apart and destroy our country, to make null and void the outcomes of World War II, to completely break down the system of global security and international law, to choke off any sovereign centers of development.”
Ukraine is the unfortunate result of such license to loot.
“Boundless ambition, arrogance and impunity inevitably lead to tragedies. This is the reason for the catastrophe the Ukrainian people are going through. They have become hostage to the coup d’état and the resulting criminal regime of its Western masters, collateral damage in the implementation of their cruel and self-serving plans.”