Keeping a Rendezvous With History
May 12, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)—Even as this weekend the Pope meets with Zelenskyy, China conducts foreign policy on multiple fronts in Europe, and LaRouche forces put forth the message of a global Glass-Steagall as more and more banks collapse in the United States, it is important to keep in view the mission to which we are dedicated. “I think what is required is to really define a completely new paradigm in thinking, to start with the common interest of the one humanity, put the national interests in the context of that, and then find a way of overcoming these supposedly unbridgeable difficulties, because the Global South—that’s 85% of the human population—they want to end colonialism. They do not want anymore to be deprived of economic development. And because of the Belt and Road Initiative, which is now ten years in progress, many countries see for the first time the perspective of overcoming underdevelopment and poverty. Europe should join with China in that endeavor!”
That optimistic view, of the advancement of economic and cultural prosperity through an international harmony of interests was offered by Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche today in dialogue with a panel of speakers convened on the CRI China-Plus “World Today” panel, convened to discuss the topic “Chinese Senior Officials’ Trip to Europe, the Need for European Strategic Autonomy.” The last of Zepp-LaRouche’s Ten Principles of a New International Security and Development Architecture states:
“The basic assumption for the new paradigm is, that man is fundamentally good and capable to infinitely perfect the creativity of his mind and the beauty of his soul, and being the most advanced geological force in the universe, which proves that the lawfulness of the mind and that of the physical universe are in correspondence and cohesion, and that all evil is the result of a lack of development, and therefore can be overcome.”
The pessimism that presently infects the trans-Atlantic world stems from the lack of comprehension of the primary principle of human physical economy—the willful increase in the potential relative population-density of human population, “on Earth as well as in heaven.” The latter means in the Solar System, galaxy, and the intergalactic “neighborhood” of which our Earth is a part, and in which we know there exist some 2 trillion-plus galaxies. Since our consciousness encompasses this expanse, and contemplates its laws, this and nothing else is the garden of humanity—not EU official Josep Borrell’s silly little “First World” garden surrounded by “the jungles of Africa and the Bronx.”
But what actually is the prevailing view of humanity in “Jungle Joe’s” imperial paradise? In a discussion of the demographic crisis confronting the rapidly shrinking population of Italy, and the trans-Atlantic nations in general yesterday, Pope Francis reported two incidents. He spoke of seeing a lady with a baby carriage, and as he approached and looked in the carriage, he saw there was not a baby, but a dog. In a second incident the Pope recounted, BBC Rome reported: “Warning that pets were replacing children in some households, the Pope recounted how a woman had opened her bag and asked him to ‘bless her baby.’
“Except it was not a baby, but a small dog. ‘I lost my patience and told her off: There are many children who are hungry, and you bring me a dog?’ he added, triggering a round of applause from the crowd.” Francis lamented that “Difficulty in finding a stable job, sky-high rents and insufficient wages are real problems.” These “economic” problems themselves, however, stem from a pandemic of cultural pessimism generated by the United States from the November 22, 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. One important step in breaking through that pessimism occurred this past week when Robert F. Kennedy Jr., nephew of the slain President, and son of the slain 1968 Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, told the world, in a discussion with host Sean Hannity, what it had waited to directly hear from someone in the immediate Kennedy family for decades:
“The day that my uncle was killed, I was picked up at Sidwell Friends school and brought home. The first phone call that my father made after J. Edgar Hoover told him that his brother had been shot, was to the CIA desk officer in Langley, which was only a mile from our house. And my father said to him, ‘did your people do this?’ His next call was to Harry Ruiz, who was one of the Cuban Bay of Pigs leaders, who had remained very, very close to our family and to my father. My father asked him the same question. Then my father called John McCone, who was the head of the CIA, and asked him to come to the house. And McCone came over, and when I came home from Sidwell Friends school, my father was walking in the yard with John McCone, and my father was posing the same question to him: ‘Was it our people who did this to my brother?’ It was my father’s first instinct that the Agency had killed his brother.”
Whether one agrees with or believes Robert Kennedy Jr., or not, is beside the point. It can clearly be laid to rest by an immediate, if overdue, release of all the documents that pertain to these actions—not only by the United States government, but any other government in the world that is holding files that contain essential information about the events of that day.
If the American people were to cause the United States to reveal the truth about the (international) Presidential assassination bureau; to withhold further funds from the Ukraine proxy war; and to secure the nation by a return to Glass-Steagall at home and internationally, then the optimism of a clear pathway forward would, itself, bring forth the necessary solutions, and an international harmony of interests that would secure the survival and subsequent prosperity for the human race. That is the rendezvous with history that we must keep.