LaRouche Movement Participates in Russian Conference on Vernadsky
June 3, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)—A talk by Schiller Institute representative Jason Ross on “Lyndon LaRouche’s View of ‘The Vernadsky Strategy’ ” was presented to a scientific conference on Vernadsky held in Moscow.
On May 23-24, 2023, a Eurasian Scientific Conference on Fundamental and Applied Problems of Managing Sustainable Development in the System “Nature-Society-Man” took place at the State University of Management, in Moscow. The conference was dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding scientist Vladimir Vernadsky.
The conference was in the tradition of the sessions held at Dubna University by the late Prof. Boris Bolshakov, a disciple of Dr. Pobisk Kuznetsov, about whom more can be read in the article cited below. This conference was organized by Yekaterina Shamayeva, who spoke of Lyndon LaRouche and Kuznetsov at the August 14, 2021 seminar of the LaRouche Legacy Foundation.
On the eve of the conference itself, there was an exhibition of scientific works related to Vernadsky and Kuznetsov, at which Shamayeva presented a newly published anthology of works by Kuznetsov.
The speech by Jason Ross (pre-recorded for the event) was played at the practical science sub-conference on “regional and sectoral problems of managing development,” with Russian subtitles added by students at the university. Ross’s presentation, entitled, “Lyndon LaRouche’s View of ‘The Vernadsky Strategy,’ ” was based on LaRouche’s 2001 article “The Vernadsky Strategy” and Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s “Ten Principles of a New International Security and Development Architecture,” both of which have been submitted for inclusion in the proceedings in both English and Russian, as was Ross’s article on “Vernadskian Time” (in English only).
Afterwards, an economist and geophysicist who is a long-time friend of the Schiller Institute spoke briefly about LaRouche’s ideas and opened a short discussion.
The university published a report on the conference, (in Russian) available online.
EIR’s Dec. 28, 2001 devoted its cover story to the Moscow conference dedicated to the late scientist Pobisk Kuznetsov and his legacy, which was addressed by Lyndon and Helga LaRouche.