Kiev’s CCD Hit List Targets Lula Da Silva for Promoting ‘Russian Narrative of the Day’
July 20, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)—In a Telegram posting yesterday, entitled “CCD Informs, Russian narrative of the Day,” the Ukraine Presidency’s Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) targets Brazilian President Lula da Silva, for committing the alleged crime of declaring that “the world is getting tired of the Ukrainian conflict.” CCD’s “Russian Narrative of the Day” is posted almost daily, but is usually reserved for Russian government officials. It is unusual to name a foreign personality such as Lula. The Brazilian President has launched an effort of bringing together multiple nations to push for negotiations between Ukraine and Russia.
Lula told reporters in Brussels yesterday that “the world is starting to get tired of the war. Countries are starting to get tired, and the moment will come when there will have to be peace, and then there will have to be a group of countries that are able to talk to Russia and to talk to Ukraine.” At the July 17-18 EU summit with Caribbean and Latin American (CELAC) countries in Brussels, the Brazilian President insisted that too much time hadn’t been spent discussing the Ukraine war, but just “the necessary amount of time.”
The CCD charges that Lula’s remarks are “the main narrative promoted by the Russian media today. Known for his controversial statements about the Russia-Ukraine war, Silva [sic] blamed Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Joe Biden for failing to continue negotiations with the russian [sic] dictator president.
“Such statements are manipulation, because the Brazilian president calls the war a ‘conflict’ and silences the fact that it was russia that started it.
“Also, similar statements play into russian propaganda, which manipulates news and headlines in an effort to create a picture of ‘world weariness from war.’
“Allies have repeatedly expressed their support for Ukraine, in particular by providing military aid to protect our state.”
Interestingly, also yesterday, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, CCD’s enemy number-one on its hit list, appeared on China’s CGTN “World Today” podcast on July 19, in which host Ge Anna asked her views on the July 17-18 EU-CELAC meeting. She is in the third segment of the program, at 21:15 minutes