Former Guyana President Donald Ramotar Makes the Case for Belt and Road in China Daily
Sept. 2, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)—China Daily’s English-language Global edition published an op-ed by Guyana’s former President Donald Ramotar on its Aug. 29. Under the headline, “Belt and Road Gives Boost to the Growth of Global South,” Ramotar, an active participant in the International Peace Coalition founded by the Schiller Institute and frequent speaker at Schiller Institute conferences and forums, focuses on the difference in principles which underlie the approach of the Western imperialists towards the developing countries versus that of China’s Belt and Road Initiative.
The BRI—founded in September 2013—was China’s counter to the intent of “the powerful imperialist states” to solve their problems on the back of the poor and weakest countries in the Global South after the 2008 global financial crisis. The BRI is instead “based on a win-win approach of mutual benefits and mutual security. It is an approach which sees the world as one, where cooperation is the most important condition for advancement,” he argues.
The International Monetary Fund/World Bank refusal to invest in “high-risk” poorer countries “was based solely on money,” whereas China makes investments with the aim of “creating the conditions for sustained growth.” China builds up physical infrastructure and human capital, while Western aid goes mostly towards exploitation of natural resources, with countries often required to turn control of their economies over to transnational corporations. Since countries receiving Chinese aid face no such conditions, and therefore maintain their independence, the Western financiers fear that losing power to dictate to former colonies and semi-colonies and exploit them as a source of their raw materials.
The former President points to another, powerful benefit of the Belt and Road approach: “The projects are forging closer people-to-people ties throughout the world, which has helped to promote friendship and solidarity among peoples from various countries and continents. No doubt this will lead to greater international solidarity.”