Call Your Congressman: Cut the Funding for the War Now!
Oct. 4, 2023, (EIRNS)—The entire Western system is unravelling at breath-taking speed—economically, politically, socially, in every imaginable way. The fissures are everywhere and in plain view:
• The unprecedented removal of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy from his post on Oct. 3.
• The refusal of Congress to approve a budget including sending another $6 billion to Ukraine for the war.
• An urgent call by President Biden to a dozen fellow Western leaders (Germany, Italy, Japan, NATO, the EU, etc.) to assure them that somehow or other the U.S. would keep sending weapons to Ukraine.
• A panicked Financial Times editorial demanding that unending military aid to Ukraine be locked in place forever, by hook or by crook.
• A report issued documenting the dramatic plunge in U.S. life expectancies over the last decade.
• A former President of the United States gagged by a judge, and threatened with jail if he disobeys.
• A candidate with the most recognized last name in the Democratic Party, threatening to bolt and run for President as an independent.
But the cause of the growing cracks in the fabric of society is not to be found in any one of those fissures. They are only the symptoms of the systemic breakdown of the entire trans-Atlantic financial system, whose owners are hell-bent on dragging the West into a nuclear showdown with Russia and China.
In the American population, however, the tide of public opinion is rising against the Ukraine war. It is against spending additional hundreds of billions of dollars to sow devastation abroad, when people are suffering and dying at home for lack of jobs, housing, medical attention and real education. The sentiment crosses party lines: Nothing works anymore, and people are simply fed up and demanding a change.
“The whole thing is breaking apart!” Helga Zepp-LaRouche emphasized in her weekly Dialogue webcast on Oct. 4.
The first step in this moment of opportunity is to call your Congressman and demand that the funding of the war in Ukraine stop! Get others to join you, and work with the International Peace Coalition to demand a negotiated peace in Ukraine, along the lines of the detailed plan submitted by the four German experts.
As Helga Zepp-LaRouche stated in concluding her weekly Dialogue:
“We are trying to build this International Peace Coalition to be so powerful that its voice cannot be passed over. If you are a peace activist, or you should be a peace activist, contact us, and make the activities of the IPC known to other people. You should absolutely get active with us. This is not a moment in history to just contemplate. This is a moment when it is you, and many individuals, who can make the difference.”