LaRouche to Address International
Webcast July 24:
How To Survive the Onrushing
Global Financial Crash
July 11, 2001 (EIRNS)—The following press statement was released today by the LaRouche-in-2004 committee.
"Lyndon LaRouche, the only U.S. economist who has been consistently right in each and every one of his published forecasts, over more than 30 years, will once again deliver a history-shaping international webcast to a Washington, D.C. audience, on July 24, 2001, at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. LaRouche is also known worldwide as the founding and contributing editor of the weekly news magazine, Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), and is the first declared candidate for the 2004 Democratic Party Presidential nomination. The July 24 event will be LaRouche's fifth post-Nov. 7, 2000 election webcast, and will address the urgent measures that must be taken by governments around the world, to avert the onrushing financial, monetary, and economic collapse.
"Since LaRouche's Sept. 3, 1999 dialogue with civil rights and labor leaders, inaugurating his 2000 Presidential campaign, we have learned that many millions of U.S. citizens, who ignored or rejected LaRouche's earlier warnings, have lost, in total, trillions of dollars, in the financial crisis which he had warned was inevitable should either Bush or Gore be elected. Many 401(k) investors and others, who could ill-afford to lose their savings, have been hit cruelly by their failure to support LaRouche's efforts to mobilize the Democratic Party against this now wildly accelerating crisis.
"Nothing can prevent a total collapse of the present world financial system. As LaRouche testified to Russian State Duma on June 29, 2001, the collapse is inevitable, but the world economy can survive and grow, if leading nations come to their senses, and launch a new world monetary system right now.
"Now, when the world is in the process of breaking in disgust from the present policies of the Bush Administration, the moment is ripe for action by those Democratic Party and other U.S. leaders, who will have, hopefully by now, learned the lesson from former Vice-President Al Gore's failure to win the Electoral College, by failing to win the Arkansas vote. Al Gore and the Democratic National Committee's stealing the certified votes cast by more than 53,000 LaRouche voters in the Arkansas Democratic primary election, cost Gore the Electoral College, which would have won him the Presidency hands down. It was there, in Arkansas—not in Florida—that Gore sent himself down to defeat, and sent Bush to the White House.
"One would hope that Democratic Party leaders would not repeat that kind of mistake again.
"The present world financial system is coming down fast. The world is ready to welcome a fundamental correction to the pitiably discredited U.S. policies of Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and his like.
"LaRouche spelled out his own approach to solving this grave crisis: "The only thing that can save this nation, and your family, from the worst depression in all modern history, is agreement among nations to put the present world financial and monetary system through emergency measures of bankruptcy reorganization. This means returning to the proven principles of the system of fixed exchange rates and strict regulation of the 1945-1964 relationship between the U.S. and its partners in Europe, the Americas, and Asia. In other words: Dump what has failed, and go back, quickly, to what worked so well before."
"All responsible Democrats and Republicans will wish to discuss these needed measures now. The July 24 LaRouche webcast is intended to serve as a opportunity for those leading Democratic and Republican political figures, representatives of the Washington diplomatic community, and citizen-activists, to join together in taking up those vital issues in a public dialogue with the one leading American statesman and political-economist who has accurately defined the nature of the unfolding crisis and presented the urgently needed policy solutions."