Major LaRouche Address
To Be Webcast Sept. 1
The following release was issued Aug. 28 by LaRouche in 2004, the committee of the campaign for the Democratic nomination of Lydon LaRouche for President of the United States.Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., founder of Executive Intelligence Review magazine, will give a major address Sept. 1, at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, which will be broadcast live over the Internet. LaRouche is a registered candidate for the Democratic Party Presidential nomination for 2004.
"You Have Nothing To Fear As Much as Denial Itself," will be the topic of LaRouche's speech, which will be given in conjunction with the annual Labor Day Conference of the Schiller Institute and the International Caucus of Labor Committees. That conference is devoted to the theme of "How to Defeat the Depression Which has Already Arrived."
As the Conference invitation notes: "Under these conditions, the only question to be raised now, is: Can our citizens discover in themselves the political wisdom and will to choose to survive this depression against which LaRouche has warned, and which has now, in fact, already arrived? The question is: do the U.S. citizens have the ability to avoid repeating the terrible mistakes made by nearly all those voters in the 2000 Presidential election campaign?"
LaRouche's keynote will be available on the Internet at, and two other sites: and
Further information on the broadcast of other conference speeches is available through the offices of EIR (888-347-3258) or LaRouche-in-2004 (800-929-7566).