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LaRouche Prepares Report on
`Agriculture and the Global Crisis,'
for Presentation to the
Brazilian House of Representatives
WASHINGTON, D.C., Sept. 28, 2001 (EIRNS)—Lyndon H. LaRouche announced today that he is preparing a report on the subject of "Agriculture and the Global Crisis," for presentation at an Oct. 23-24 international seminar organized by the Brazilian Congress on the subject of "Brazil and the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas." Mr. LaRouche is preparing his report based on the Sept. 4 invitation he received from Deputy Aecio Neves, the President of the Brazilian House of Representatives, to participate in that conference as a commentator in the session on agriculture, which will be presided by Brazil's Agriculture Minister, Marcus Vinicius Pratini de Moraes.
LaRouche's report will locate issues facing agriculture in Brazil and other nations, in the context of the ongoing systemic crisis of the global financial system. In the recent period, Mr. LaRouche, the founder of Executive Intelligence Review and a registered Democratic presidential pre-candidate for the 2004 U.S. elections, has addressed similar economic and related strategic issues, in presentations before the Economics Committee of the Russian State Duma (June 2001), and before legislators in the Italian Chamber of Deputies (June 2000).