Lyndon LaRouche in Dialogue
with Mexico
GUADALAJARA, Mexico, Aug. 22 (EIRNS)—Lyndon LaRouche spoke tonight here, in a dialogue with Ibero-American leaders.
Mr. LaRouche addressed the seminar on "Mexico-ArgentinaBrazil: The Hour of Integration: March Towards a New Bretton Woods," which also featured a presentation written especially for the conference by former Mexican President José López Portillo.
See the full conference report.
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* Has some untranslated Spanish at beginning.
Denied Security Required to Attend in Person, LaRouche Will Address International Semiar in Guadalajara, Mexico by Telephone Hook-up
MEXICO CITY, Aug. 16 (EIRNS)—The Ibero-American Solidarity Movement (MSIA) of Mexico issued a press statement today, in which they reported that "Mexican authorities have denied U.S. Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon LaRouche the necessary security conditions for him to be able to travel to Mexico, despite the strong recommendations of important institutional forces in the country who understand that his visit would contribute to a necessary, in-depth dialogue on the systemic international financial crisis, and the measures to be adopted to solve it. Such a dialogue would in turn help strengthen Mexico's sovereignty, at this moment of grave world crisis," the MSIA noted.
"Despite the fact that he will not be able to attend in person, Lyndon LaRouche will participate by telephone hook-up in the seminar 'Mexico-Brazil-Argentina, the Hour of Integration; the March Towards a New Bretton Woods,' which will be held on Aug. 22-23 at the important Industrialists Club in Guadalajara. Former Mexican President Jose Lopez Portillo will also participate with a written presentation, as will other prominent figures of Mexico, along with important delegations from Brazil, Argentina, and Peru.
"We understand that Mexico, at this time, like many other nations, is under enormous pressure from forces both inside and outside the United States, such as the International Monetary Fund, which are committed to maintain the bankrupt world financial system, no matter what genocidal measures that requires. Inside the United States, these forces are centered on the 'utopian' or globalist faction within the U.S. government, which is linked to Wall Street interests and is often represented by the policies of the State Department. These interests have embarked on a mission of creating a New Roman Empire on the ruins of the sovereign nation-state, a project which has the backing of the likes of George Soros, one of the world's leading promoters of drug legalization, which would provide a needed source of added liquidity for the moribund world financial system.
"In Mexico and the rest of Ibero-America, these utopian plans take the form of the NorthCom project and the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas, through which the entire Western Hemisphere would be subjected to a post-modern version of the 'Big Stick' policies of the infamous President Teddy Roosevelt.
"Despite the impossibility of being physically present in Guadalajara, LaRouche will participate directly via telephone hook-up, and will also be able to answer live questions from the audience. The subject of Mr. LaRouche's talk is: 'Lopez Portillo Was Right; How to Solve the Current International Financial Crisis.' This historic dialogue will not be limited to the attending audience in Guadalajara, but can also be heard live worldwide on the Internet, in both English and Spanish simultaneous translations, on the websites and, beginning at 7 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on Thursday, Aug. 22."