LaRouche on Presidents Vicente Fox,
and José López Portillo
Aug. 24, 2002 (EIRNS)—American Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche was asked by a Mexican businessman about the current Mexican President, when LaRouche addressed a major meeeting in Guadalajara, Mexico on South American economic integration, also addressed by former President López Portillo. LaRouche was asked what recommendations he would offer President Vicente Fox were the two to meet now, as LaRouche met President José López Portillo at the height of the 1982 debt crisis of all of South America."I think I would do the same kind of thing," LaRouche replied. "Of course, President López Portillo is a very distinguished person, of real knowledge, and intellectual development. President Fox has, of course, a different background: He comes from a business and related background; shall we say, that President López Portillo is a man of Classical attributes, typical of many leaders of the Mexican Republic, like himself. And, therefore, when I met with President López Portillo, we were people who are in the European, Classical tradition, and it's easy for us to exchange certain ideas, because we've already been through that territory, so to speak.
"President Fox has not had the benefit of that. He's the President of Mexico. My message to him, would be essentially, the end-result of any approach to him, would be the same. He's the President of Mexico: I would address him as President, as President. And I would try to be useful, in my communication with him, and to try to persuade him to see things that I know are true, which is important that he see. And to suggest to him, things that we and others might do in common, as ideas, as human beings, in our respective positions, to help bring things into play, which have to be brought into play. I think, he has to change his policies; I think he knows that. I he will know that, very soon. But the fact that he changes his policy, does not mean he vanishes as the President of Mexico. He remains the President, even if he changes his policies, because his function is not to be the servant of a contract on policy. His function is to be the servant of the interests of the people of Mexico, and their future. And he has to change—as he must change—to satisfy that mission. That mission: It's almost a sacred position, to be a head of state, even for a time. And the mission is the future of one's nation; and respect and honor, for one's predecessors.
"So, with him, I would simply to do the same thing: to explain to him what I know; to try to answer his questions; and to indicate what I can do, what I think others can do, to make possible the implementation of those suggestions."