`We Must Stop This War'
March 24, 2003 (EIRNS)—This release was issued today by the Presidential candidate's political committee, LaRouche in 2004.
Keynoting a major international conference in Bad Schwalbach, Germany on March 21, Democratic Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. told his audience in no uncertain terms, that the current war against Iraq must be stopped. Any attempt to accommodate to the U.S. imperial push, will lead to disaster, he said.
These de facto marching orders came in the course of a speech in which LaRouche challenged his audience to confront themselves, and change the axioms of thinking, which had led them to permit their leaders to plunge the world into the Iraq crisis. This "must-read" speech can be found on and We quote:
"Now, there are some people who think that the war against Iraq, is a war against Iraq: It is not a war against Iraq. It is a war against the pretext of Iraq, to start a world war. The purpose behind this, is a world war, not an Iraq war. If you don't stop it, there is no after Iraq war. The Iraq war will never end. The destruction of Iraq, may occur within the next days or weeks, but the Iraq war will never end. Because you will be going into another war, under an administration, which is totally committed to a worldwide fascist imperialism. I'll make clear what that is.
"Therefore, we must stop it. This war is not inevitable. Its continuation is not inevitable. We must stop it. Those who say, let's accept an inevitable war, and try to clean up afterward, are fools. There is no afterwards. There's only a continuing war. You could expect the bombing of North Korea to occur, almost automatically, in the context of this, if it's not stopped. And it won't stop there. Iran is on the target list already. And this war could spill into Iran, already. The war would explode throughout the Middle East, if it's continued. It cannot be stopped, unless the war as a whole is stopped.
"China is one of the nations targetted by this war, which gives you some sense of what the dimensions are, what we're up against. We must stop this war.
"There's a positive side to this situation. I referred to it already, the so-called European Triangle. The fear which has struck Europe, and the positive response we've had already from Chirac, as well as his Foreign Minister, from the Chancellor in Germany, from others, and from Russia—I think that's a very positive shift in Russia's response—means that the world recognizes that it's a danger that must be stopped.
"We also have at the same time, a recognition of crises and problems, in East Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia, among nations that are composed of the so-called Strategic Triangle, of Russia, China, and India. That is a triangle of nations, which, if they agree to cooperate, represent a fulcrum of stability, both economic stability, and general security, for the entire area of Asia. This includes also the North Asia complex, of the Koreas, the two parts of Korea, which should be unified, to one degree or another. It also includes that part of China, which is adjacent to Korea. It includes part of Russia. It includes also the industrial forces in Japan, who are opposed to the warlike policy of the present Prime Minister.
"These forces know they need a recovery program. They know that a recovery program, and cooperation, is the only force in existence against this spreading war. There are forces in Europe, as well as in Asia, who recognize the importance of closer ties of cooperation, especially economically based, on technology transfer relations in the long term, between Western Europe, and Asia.
"These things must occur now.
"Therefore, this is a force for the good. The issue is, how do we make this force for good, this potential force for good, how do we make it effective? First of all, how do we make it a conscious factor in the minds of people around the world? It exists. Some people in Russia, as well as in Germany, and France, know it exists. Some in China, some in Korea, some in Japan, some in India, will appreciate the importance of this opportunity. But that's not enough.
"Public opinion, even good public opinion, will never stop a horror show, or solve a problem. Someone has to pull the strings of power, to make it a conscious, and make it happen. And that's what I'm determined to do. To pull the strings of power. Not to spread good opinion, not to spread good information, but to touch people inside, to cause those in positions of leadership, to act, as they must act. Because the people will respond to action from appropriate leaders.
"The people may have opinions. Look at the anti-war opinions around the world. Does it stop the war? It does not stop the war. Is it useful? Yes, it's useful. Will it stop a war? It will not stop a war. No peace movement could ever stop a war, even though it may be useful. Somebody has to pull the strings of power, to set into motion the action, around which popular opinion can then mobilize, and grow. And be mobilized for what? For action! Not for negative action, but for positive action. The positive action, of course, is to create a new international monetary-financial system. To take the IMF and put it into bankruptcy reorganization. To bring nations together to do that. To create a just new world economic order, by agreeing to form a new monetary system, based on certain principles of cooperation, which are acceptable among the participating nations. Not one nation, or two nations, to give the answers to the world, but an assembly of leading nations of the world, who agree on certain principles, to govern a new monetary system, whose immediate goal is to lead the world out of the present depression.
"The mobilization of a hopeful humanity, for a recovery from this horror show, is the one thing that could stop the war."