Hurriyet Reports
LaRouche Visit to Turkey
June 14, 2003 (EIRNS)—"Playing with Kurds is a strategic mistake," the Turkish daily Hurriyet headlined its coverage of Lyndon LaRouche's arrival in Turkey yesterday, in an article by Ardic Aytalar, writing from Istanbul:
"U.S. Democratic party presidental pre-candidate Lyndon LaRouche arrived in Turkey to give a [press] conference and to meet with Turkish party officials.
"LaRouche said that playing a game with Kurds, like Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld are doing, is a strategic danger for Turkey.
"Since his entrance into the Democratic party in 1976, LaRouche, economist by profession, ran six times for Democratic Presidential candidacy from 1980. He is running again for election in 2004. LaRouche, who is a candidate with biggest number of donations in Democratic party, will today give a speech in Cemal Resit Rey concert hall in Istanbul with the title: 'Eurasian Global Development and the New Key for Peace.'
"Mr. LaRouche will, after travelling to Ankara on Sunday and addressing the Trade Chamber of Ankara, leave Turkey on Wednesday."