Philadelphia Could Once More
Change the World
Nov. 5, 2003 (EIRNS)—This statement by Democratic Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche was released today by his campaign committee, LaRouche in 2004.Tuesday's Philadelphia election shows the way to a 2004 Democratic Presidential victory.
The relative success of the LaRouche Youth Movement deployments against the California recall in Los Angeles County and the Bay Area, and that movement's experience as part of the support for Philadelphia Mayor Street's reelection by a wide margin, has shown Democrats who were paying attention, how crucial elections can be won during the coming 2004 primary and general election campaigns.
In the final phase of his re-election campaign, Mayor Street and his campaign did about everything right, turning what seemed to have been a close call into a landslide victory. The key to the added margin of victory was that the lessons of the California recall campaign were successfully applied by the Mayor, by the Youth Movement and others, to pull out a victory which could have been had in California, but for pressures on Governor Davis to accept what proved to be bad advice from the Democratic National leadership.
From the start of the 2004 Presidential primary campaign, until now, the Democratic National Committee has wrecked itself by its hysterical efforts to block out participation by a candidate who was the second most popular candidate of ten, as measured in breadth of popular financial support. Polls show that every one of the remaining nine rivals to LaRouche would lose the coming election to President George W. Bush, Jr. The poll's result might change in the coming weeks, but the fact remains that the shrinking roster of nine have being campaigning as losers up to now. Study of the experience of the California and Philadelphia campaigns shows why my approach to the 2004 election works, and the approach of my putative rivals does not.
Either those rivals and the Democratic National Committee change their ways, or I will soon be the only credible Presidential candidate for the Democratic nomination. We can win, if we learn that lesson.