LaRouche Is the
`Unnamed Democratic Candidate'
Who Can Beat Bush
Nov. 8, 2003 (EIRNS)—This release and events announcement was issued today by the Presidential candidate's campaign committee, LaRouche in 2004.
Speaking on a Missouri radio talk show Nov. 7, Lyndon LaRouche declared that he is the "unnamed" Democrat who can beat President Bush in 2004. LaRouche was referring to a recent poll showing that all of his so-called rivals for the Democratic Party Presidential nomination, running against Bush, would lose, but that an "unnamed" Democrat could beat Bush. LaRouche dismissed speculation that Hillary Clinton was the "unnamed candidate," pointing out that her ambitions extend no further than becoming a Vice Presidential candidate in a hung Democratic Party nominating convention, a strategy which assumes a Democratic defeat in November.
LaRouche's remarks capped a week in which his campaign moved from strength to strength, beginning with the Nov. 3 decision by the Secretary of State of California to place LaRouche's name on the California ballot. California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley selected LaRouche as a nationally "generally recognized" candidate. LaRouche had previously been certified for the Feb. 3 Democratic primary ballot in Missouri, despite a last minute DNC-directed effort to refuse his submission.
The California certification was followed by a smashing victory in the Nov. 4 Philadelphia Mayoral race, where the deployment of the LaRouche Youth Movement secured a massive margin for incumbent Mayor John Street, who was under attack from the Attorney General John Ashcroft's gestapo Justice Department. Then, on Nov. 7, LaRouche was certified for Jan. 13 primary ballot in Washington, D.C., by the D.C. Board of Elections. Washington, D.C. is a hotbed of organizing by the LaRouche Youth Movement, which has carried the campaign to unseat war-mongering Vice President Dick Cheney into the streets, as well as into the halls of the U.S. Congress. The LaRouche campaign has been running ads indicting Cheney on D.C.'s largest news-radio station WTOP for months.
Overall, it was a very bad week for the Democratic National Committee faction, which has been leading the Democrats into oblivion, and has been desperate to contain LaRouche, who has the only campaign with a significant youth movement, and with demonstrated broad support among the lower 80% of income brackets in the American population.
In Washington, D.C., five of the so-called major Democratic candidates promptly withdrew their names from the ballot, on the pretext that the D.C. primary violates Party rules, a move which was denounced as "gutless" by D.C. Councilman Jack Evans, the author of the D.C. primary legislation. Meanwhile, nominal frontrunner Harold Dean remains on the D.C. ballot, where he will go up against LaRouche, who is known as the champion of the fight to save D.C. General Hospital, and to end the murderous HMO system.
Indicative of the broad support for LaRouche's "unnamed" candidacy, his campaign continues to have the second-largest number of individual itemized contributions of any of the 10 Democratic Presidential candidates, according to the October Quarterly reports made available by the Federal Election Commission.
The LaRouche campaign has announced that the candidate will be touring New England, with appearances in New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts, the week of Nov. 9, and the Midwest, with appearances in Michigan and Missouri, the week of Nov. 16.