Now Begins the Hot Phase of LaRouche's Presidential Campaign
Nov. 21, 2003 (EIRNS)—The following invitation was circulated today by the LaRouche in 2004 Presidential campaign committee.
You are cordially invited to attend a national/international webcast, to be held on Dec. 12, 2003, between 1:00 and 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, in the Washington, D.C. area, and to be addressed by Democratic Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
In Mr. LaRouche's words, this webcast, his tenth since announcing for the Democratic Party nomination for Presidency in the 2004 elections, will inaugurate the "hot phase" of his Presidential primary campaign. Having proven its ability to deliver, during the course of the California Recall campaign, and the Philadelphia mayoral election, this Fall, the LaRouche campaign—and especially its youth movement—is poised to move aggressively ahead. Of special interest will be the Washington, D.C. primary, where LaRouche is certified for the ballot. The D.C. primary, scheduled for Jan. 13, is the first in the nation, and, as a result of the Democratic National Committee's panicky pressure on other Democratic candidates to withdraw from the race, will be a major test of strength between LaRouche and Dean, the only other "major" candidate remaining on the ballot.
LaRouche, with his expanding Youth Movement, is the second-leading Democratic candidate, as measured by broad popular financial support for his campaign, and is currently 6th in terms of total funds raised. He qualifies as the "unnamed candidate" whom polls have indicated would beat President Bush. His campaign was the second to be certified for Federal Matching Funds, and he is currently certified for the primary ballot in California, Washington, D.C., Missouri, and New Hampshire, with certifications pending in Tennessee, and Vermont.
As the leading voice for FDR-style policies, and the initiator of the progressing battle to remove Vice-President Dick Cheney from office, LaRouche represents the only qualified leader on the scene, to turn the United States back from a war and depression crisis which is leading straight to hell. World leaders will be listening to what he has to say on Dec. 12.
Those who can attend in D.C. must be preregistered. Others will be able to access the webcast through and