LaRouche Tells U.S. to Seize
Opportunity to Cooperate with Russia
Dec. 15, 2003 (EIRNS)—This release was issued today by Lyndon LaRouche's Presidential campaign committee, LaRouche in 2004.
In response to a question about the nature of the political shift in Russia, following the recent Duma elections, Democratic Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon LaRouche asserted that the elections show that Russian patriots have acted to get their country back, from the international looters associated with the likes of Al Gore and the IMF. "The day of the oligarchs is gone," he said.
Speaking in Washington, D.C. at a webcast campaign event on Dec. 12, aRouche analyzed the policy directions of the Putin Administration:
"Don't sit back and say, what are they going to do? Predict what they're going to do? No. Why don't you take a hand in determining what they're going to do? Why don't you do the thing, knowing you have the options, when they're offering something which is in our interest, why not accept it? And that's the way to look at it."
LaRouche's analysis of the current Russian policy, as demonstrated in the victory of his friend Sergei Glazyev, and his Rodina Party, in the elections, was this:
"Russian policy under Putin has three directions to it. One, cooperation if possible with the United States. This is a Russian instinct. Once the Soviet Union was a power, together with the United States. If the two former great powers can get together, maybe the rest of the world will have a change. Policy number two is close cooperation with Western Europe, especially Germany, France and so forth, in the development of Eurasia. The China policy, the India policy. That's clear. Third policy: if Cheney remains in power, or what he represents remains in power in the United States, then Russia will be prepared for thermonuclear war with the United States. Three policies. Now we in the United States have to decide which we want. Do we want nuclear war, fighting against a whole group of nations, including Russia with some very sophisticated weapons, China, India and some other countries? Do we want, several years down the line, such a war? If we don't, what do we do? We talk to the Russian government on those terms."
"If you simply tell the Russian government, assure them that I'm going to be the next president, we won't have a problem. It's a simple fact. Why? Because my relationship with this is, I was recognized as a genius by leading circles in Russia because of my work in economics, on what is called the science of physical economy, and they recognize that I have been right, where the Soviets had been wrong. And so a whole section of the scientific academies welcomed me.
"For example, in 1996, I was invited to a meeting in Moscow with a group of celebrities of the Russian system. It was a public meeting, it was videotaped at that time, and the purpose of it was to signal to President Clinton that what I was offering as a policy of cooperation with Russia and so forth, was something they were offering to the United States, using me as a figure who represents my own policy, and they were simply endorsing what I'm saying as something they're interested in. And chiefly because of Gore and Gore's influence, things came against me and against that policy approach. Other things developed in the same period. So we lost it.
"But that's still the same thing. I was invited by Glazyev when he was Chairman of the Economics Committee of the Russian Duma, to give a presentation to the Duma. This was a major event. I laid out there, and in other meetings we had in Europe and elsewhere, laid out my policy, and that policy is the direction in which he's going, his circles are going, which is the direction I propose. That's one example of a number from around the world, of what happens if I'm president, and this is the policy which I tried to, shall we say, persuade people around the Clinton administration to adopt. It's the right policy today. ...
"What's going on, now, between the Duma elections, there will be a change in the composition of Russian politics. It's already started. The day of the oligarchs is gone. And that's what these guys are screaming about. They want to steal it. Now they're going to a second phase in March, when the presidential elections occur in Russia, in which Putin will be running for reelection. It looks as if he might make it, the way things are right now. That means that, by the end of March, the world situation will change, for many reasons, including the present financial crisis onrushing. It will always change because the Russian process of change of direction of government, away from the day of the oligarch, will have been completed, and you will now see a new Russia, with new commitments and new orders, and the ideas which Glazyev represents, and where I have a lot of agreement with him, will be the ideas coming from there.
"The policy of Russia will be, under those conditions, cooperation with Western Europe, based on a relationship to Germany and France, in particular; cooperation relations between Western Europe, China, India, Korea and Japan and so forth, across Eurasia. This is the Eurasian development orientation. That will be the policy of Russia, as of March of this year. And that's my policy. Why not? I've been pushing it long enough."