LaRouche Warns of Terror Threat From
Left-Right Synarchism in the Americas
May 19, 2004 (EIRNS)—This statement was issued today by the LaRouche in 2004 political campaign committee.
U.S. Democratic Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche today warned of the near-term threat of Synarchist-sponsored terrorism in the United States, and urged governments in the Americas "not to be taken into manipulation by right-left provocations, orchestrated in part from Cheney's crowd, as well as the Spain-pivoted Synarchist mob deploying throughout the Americas at this time."
"What we are concerned about, in the context of former Spanish Prime Minister José Maria Aznar's extraordinary statements from inside the United States, predicting an outburst of terrorism, possibly by mid-June, in the United States, is that Aznar's remarks are part of a Synarchist operation. His remarks signify exactly this: putting an Hispanic label on some terrorist operation. We are getting exactly the typically Synarchist left-right operation that's now being stirred up on Cuba and Venezuela, among other things.
"That's the way these things work: as left-right operations, with Cheney and company on the 'right,' and Castro and Chavez on the 'left.' They have agreed to make Cuba a hot spot. And Cuba being made a hot spot is part of what these Synarchist bastards in Venezuela, who run both sides again there, left and right, are trying to do to unleash violence there.
"This operation goes along with the Samuel Huntington thesis, which calls for anti-Hispanic conflict in the United States, and a related border crisis with Mexico.
"We now have to look seriously, very seriously, at the manipulation of political forces in South and Central America, in correlation with a plan to launch some kind of a terrorist operation of Spanish-speaking characteristics. And Aznar's connections are indicating that he is pointing towards terrorism of a Synarchist type. And we know, of course, that Huntington is essentially a Synarchist asset as well.
"The right-wing crowd in certain churches in the U.S., that are closely tied to the neo-conservatives in the Bush Administration, like Generals Boykin and Miller, these are also Synarchist assets. And this is precisely where the threat to the U.S. and other nations comes from at this time. We should not overlook the fact that the Fellowship crowd, associated with Boykin and Miller and company, have come to the fore in terms of these atrocities in the prisons in Iraq.
"Our warning is that governments should not allow themselves to be taken into manipulation by right-left provocations, orchestrated in part from Cheney's crowd, as well as the Spain-pivoted Synarchist mob deploying throughout the Americas at this time, which I have warned about repeatedly since August 2002.
"These are the same people. Therefore this security question, this security threat to the U.S. and to other nations, must be understood, and action on this must proceed now. We must not pussy-foot around this. These elements are a potential threat to the U.S. and other nations; these elements must be exposed now, and, by exposing them, neutralize them."