Now Comes the Hopeful Reality
Which the Coward Denied
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
August 6, 2004
The following press release was issued by the Schiller Institute and the International Caucus of Labor Committees (ICLC).
The intersection of the presently onrushing collapse of the world's present monetary-financial system with the eruption of a new wave of Monday "We Are The People" demonstrations in the eastern regions of Germany, signals the end of more than forty years of history, since the great thermonuclear-missiles-crisis of 1962. The delusions of that generation of Americans and Europeans, which have increasingly dominated the directions of national and international developments during the recent four decades, are now coming to a sudden end.
As a result, the world, especially the United States now wracked by the onrush of a new general election, are faced with decisions as crucial as those of the time of Franklin D. Roosevelt's first campaign for the Presidency. Now, as then, the outcome of the presently exploding period of crisis will be decided, as during the 1933-1945 interval, largely by the way politics goes inside the U.S.A. at this critical juncture in world affairs.
Now, once again, as when the choice between Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt determined whether the U.S.A. would go fascist or defeat the fascism pouring out of Europe, we the people of the U.S.A. must assume the burden of deciding which branch of the road of world history the planet as a whole takes under the presently onrushing economic break-down of the world's present, floating-exchange-rate, monetary-financial system.
The good news of the moment, is that what we, of this movement have stood for, for more than a quarter-century, has been vindicated by current events, where all our opponents have either failed to address this presently onrushing reality, or have been part of the causes for the problem.
This, however, is not a time for us to gloat over our complete vindication by presently breaking developments in world history. It is time for us to assume the awful responsibility which that vindication puts upon our shoulders. It is a time for us to act together in the way history has put new duties into our hands.
Those prepared to act in this way, are invited to attend the Labor Day Conference of the Schiller Institute and the International Caucus of Labor Committees, which will be held in both Southern California and the Washington, D.C. area. This semi-annual gathering of the LaRouche Movement will convene on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 4, and go through Sunday night Sept. 5.
Especially encouraged to attend are youth between the ages of 18 and 25, who will also be invited to attend a two-day cadre school following the major conference event. While the nominal cost of $50 a person can be waived in case of economic hardship, pre-registration for the weekend event is required.