`It's the Physical Economy, Stupid!'
Sept. 22, 2004 (EIRNS)—The LaRouche PAC political action committee made the following announcement today:
"The first copies of LaRouche PAC's new pamphlet, It's the PHYSICAL Economy, Stupid! came off the press today, and will soon be flooding Ohio and other crucial swing states across the nation. The first run of the 32-page pamphlet was 200,000 copies, which are expected to be only the first of a million or more.
"The pamphlet cover captures the message. On the top, in a ghosted background, are the words, 'It's the Economy, Stupid!' attributed to James Carville, candidate Bill Clinton's leading adviser, in 1992. In the foreground, in bold letters, Lyndon LaRouche is quoted: 'It's the Physical Economy, Stupid!' On the bottom left, there is a montage of physical collapse—an unemployment line, an abandoned factory, and the stock exchange presiding over it all. On the bottom right, is a magnetically levitated train, exemplary of the infrastructure program proposed by LaRouche, which can pull the nation out of its current depression collapse.
"The pamphlet is introduced with statements by LaRouche, who has endorsed Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry. His statements are then followed by two major, graphics-rich sections: one on the U.S. physical economy reaching a breaking point; and the other on the 'Super-TVA' reconstruction program which is needed to address the crisis.