LaRouche PAC Issues
Policy Statement on U.S.-Mexico Relations
April 8, 2005 (EIRNS)—Under the title "Prosper Thy Neighbor," the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee issued the following statement today on U.S.-Mexico relations:
Less than two years from now—on Dec. 1, 2006—Mexico is scheduled to inaugurate its next President. The coming national elections in that country present the opportunity for:
- Mexicans to revive a sense of true nationalism, and regain control over their country's destiny from the synarchist bankers that today have a death grip on that nation; and
- The United States to adopt policies which will help this, our nearest neighbor, prosper and develop, and so return to our own noblest foreign policy tradition, that of John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
How should Americans, and their government, be thinking about Mexico, at this time of global financial disintegration, when Mexico's quarter-trillion-dollar real foreign debt threatens to explode at any moment? How shall we view the 10 million Mexicans now living in the United States, along with another 12 million second-generation Mexicans, who have been driven out of their own country as economic refugees, as a result of the "free trade" insanity of the IMF and NAFTA? Shall we treat them as beasts—and so bestialize ourselves—by adopting the racist outlook of Trilateral Commission madman Samuel Huntington, who argues that Hispanics are the principal enemy of the United States?
These are among the crucial cross-border issues posed by the upcoming Mexican elections.
Let both nations return to a better time. Back in the late 1970s, when Jose Lopez Portillo was President, Mexico proposed to use its enormous new oil finds to fully industrialize the nation and develop the standard of living of its people, in partnership with the United States. Lyndon LaRouche, already a prominent statesman, urged U.S. President Ronald Reagan to accept Lopez Portillo's offer, and establish an oil-for-technology accord which would bring U.S. producers $100 billion in capital goods orders, while helping to transform Mexico into a stable, secure, and prosperous neighbor.
LaRouche met with a favorable Lopez Portillo in Mexico City in May 1982, to discuss this policy, and the looming debt crisis. President Reagan was also open to the idea—but Wall Street and their hitman Henry Kissinger were not. They launched financial warfare against the Lopez Portillo government, staged a run against the peso, and drove the country into IMF bondage once Lopez Portillo left office in December 1982.
In the following two decades, the country's physical economic output has plummeted by over a third; real unemployment has risen to about 50% of the labor force; most of its strategic state sector assets have been privatized; and the country's principal national institutions have been chopped to pieces.
Where once proud optimism held sway, Mexico now is saddled with grinding poverty and deep cultural pessimism. Where true patriotism was creating an integrated nation for all Mexicans, the synarchist bankers and their local compradores are now dragging the country back to the epoch of a divided nation, of oligarchic rulers and oppressed peons, such as existed under the imposed Hapsburg Emperor Maximilian, in the middle of the 19th century.
It was the U.S.'s Lincoln Presidency—guided by the policies first formulated by John Quincy Adams, of making of the Americas a hemispheric community of sovereign nations—which helped free Mexico of the Hapsburg dictator, and restore the rightful Mexican President Benito Juarez. "Prosper thy neighbor" was the American byword.
Then in the late 1920s, the modern Mexican nation-state came into being, with the end of the Cristero religious war, and the grudging submission of the synarchist-spawned Cristeros to a kind of Treaty of Westphalia. Nation-building could then begin in earnest, and it accelerated during the 1930s and 1940s, with the help of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administrations in Washington, and FDR's friendship towards the Lazaro Cardenas government in Mexico, in particular. Once again, it was "prosper thy neighbor"—also known as FDR's "Good Neighbor Policy."
Now Mexico is approaching decisive national elections, under conditions of unprecedented national and international crisis. From our side of the border, the most important thing we can do to help our nearest neighbor, is to restore the United States to its own true mission: that of promoting a system of sovereign developed republics of the Americas. We must return to the approach of Quincy Adams, Lincoln and FDR.
Over the last two years, Lyndon LaRouche has presented a renewed, urgent call for U.S.-Mexico cross-border development, by building great infrastructure projects in the Great American Desert which straddles the two nations. In public and private meetings from Monterrey, Mexico to Washington, D.C., LaRouche has presented a vision of how to take today's barren wastelands and make them bloom with productive economic activity, through high-technology water, rail, energy, and other great infrastructure projects. Such a "super-TVA" approach will serve as the driver to put both economies back on the track of industrial development, and it will infuse in the U.S. and Mexico a new sense of optimism, dignity, and true patriotism. As such, it will serve as the model for similar relations with the rest of Ibero-America.
Such an approach of developing the physical economies of the United States and Mexico—and in fact, of the entire globe—is the only way out of the current great financial crash of 2005. We have no other option.