LaRouche To Address
International Webcast October 12
Sept. 22, 2005 (EIRNS)—The following release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee.
At the conclusion of his Sept. 16 webcast address, leading American economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche urged his audience to return for his follow-up event, scheduled for Oct. 12, to be broadcast from Washington, D.C. The Oct. 12 international live webcast, sponsored by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee, will commence at 1:00 p.m. Eastern time.
Under the theme "Rediscovering America," this Columbus Day webcast will commence with a replay of LaRouche's historic intervention on Oct. 12, 1988, when the then-Democratic Presidential candidate held a press conference in the Kempinski Bristol Hotel in Berlin, Germany, during which he forecast the near-term prospects for the reunification of Germany, and outlined a perspective for East-West economic cooperation in the wake of that momentous event.
From that starting point, LaRouche will proceed to update the current strategic crisis, and what must be done to prevent the disaster threatened by Vice-President Dick Cheney's current Permanent Revolution/Permanent War policy, which was able to take hold in the wake of the rejection of LaRouche's 1988 policy.
The Oct. 12 webcast will be broadcast live on
[Those wishing to attend the event in person should contact Executive Intelligence Review (Michael Billington at 703-777-9451, ext. 229).]