LaRouche: The First Priority
Is that Cheney Must Go!
Oct. 17, 2005 (EIRNS)—This statement, originating in Lyndon LaRouche's Oct. 12 Washington, D.C. webcast, was released today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee.
In response to a question about the prospects for the incoming government of Germany at his Oct. 12 webcast, Democratic Party leader and U.S. statesman Lyndon LaRouche stressed that it is the removal of Vice-President Dick Cheney from office in the U.S., that will be the crucial determinant of the situation there, and world-wide. LaRouche said:
"...Everyone knows, that as long as the current Bush-Cheney policy remains, the United States doesn't have a prayer! Everybody knows the time has come to get Cheney out if you want to have a U.S. economy.
"All the conditions, the preconditions for inducing Cheney to leave, all but one, remain. Because we want to get Cheney out, we don't want to have to wait to impeach him. We want him to resign. Now, to get him to resign, it has to be an initiative coming through the Republicans, with Democratic support. Because, we are going to have to cut a deal of some kind, not a rotten deal, but a good deal. We are going to have to think about—the incumbent President is an idiot, And, he's a mean spirited, vicious idiot. But, he is an idiot who probably doesn't know, most of the time, the meaning of the words coming out of his mouth. That's a hard fact. And, he is not emotionally equipped to understand those words, as well as intellectually in shortfall.
"But, Cheney is the big problem. Therefore, the objective, if you want to save the United States, you must cause the removal of Cheney from government, now. If we go by the procedure we would follow in the case of Nixon, you would have an agreement among Democrats and Republicans that this, getting Cheney out, is primarily a Republican responsibility. That leading Republicans have to go to Cheney, and say, "The President wants you to resign, for the good of the country." That, if properly handled could probably induce him to resign: Because, once that is proposed, then the Democrats can support the Republicans, because they are going to have to have a bipartisan solution for this mess. You are going to have a bipartisan change of policy. And it's going to be a policy without DeLay!
"It probably means, we'll end up with a Democratic Vice President, in order to have a Republican President to replace the incumbent, who probably will decide to raise pigs down in Crawford as a better way of life for him. And, have his wife make jokes about what he is doing with the pigs.
"So, therefore, we are going to have to have in a sense, a bipartisan agreement for a time of crisis, whose precedent is the agreements which were reached under Roosevelt, in certain matters like putting Social Security into effect, or the handling of the problems of war, or the preparations for war. That Roosevelt found certain Republicans who, under those circumstances, would cooperate with his Administration to enable things to get done that had to be done. We are now in a period where normal Republicans, that is one with two legs, as opposed to something else, that these kinds of Republicans, together with Democrats, particularly the type in the Senate, are going to have to come to some kind of a working agreement which is a "live and let live" agreement, but for the common good of the country.
"If that process goes forward, if the signs are that Cheney is more and more on the way out, then the Merkel crowd, which is the neo-con crowd, and the Blair crowd, is going to find itself in trouble in Europe. You have forces in the Labour Party, as well as in the Conservative Party, who are gunning for Blair. And, if they see an opportunity of getting him out, they're going to get him out, and get his policy out, too. Because, they see his policy, and those of Cheney, as a threat....
"So, therefore, you've got a situation, in which eliminating the Cheney factor, or the perception that Cheney is running the show here, will change politics in Germany, and change politics also in Britain and throughout Europe.
"Therefore, getting Cheney out, now, or get the perception out, that he is on the way out, assuredly, it will be sufficient to do that. If, on the other hand, if we don't, quickly, convince ourselves, and Europe, that Cheney is on the way out, and his policies, and what he represents, are on the way out—that we are going to get out of Iraq in the right way—then the policies of the United States will tend to coordinate Europe and European politics accordingly. And, all the pieces are in place to produce that kind of effect."
Asked by another questioner about the specific responsibility of Congress on the Plame affair, which is now converging on Cheney's office, LaRouche turned the question back on the questioner. The Congress should look at its Constitutional responsibility, and start from the top down, including the decision to go to war. It should look at where this affair actually started, in 2002. He concluded:
"I would say, to go back to the essential thing here, the first thing to look at, is, where was the actual genesis of this operation against Valerie Plame? Didn't it come prior to the fact that Joe Wilson had published an article? Didn't it come through his report to the intelligence community? Isn't that where the genesis was? Wasn't somebody angry, like Cheney, because Cheney, who was the author of this war in Iraq—it wasn't Bush, it was Cheney—was Cheney very angry that Joe Wilson, by saying the yellowcake story was a fake, had jeopardized Cheney's private interests? And wasn't Cheney already putting the machinery into play to get Joe Wilson for this, and to silence the CIA by this kind of process?"