`If Congress Does Not Act To Stop the Destruction of the Auto Industry, They Don't Give a Damn About the United States'
March 31, 2006 (EIRNS)—Upon hearing of the outrageous action by the management of the Delphi Corporation to rip up its contracts, workforce, and productive capability, and of the virtual non-response from the Congress, Lyndon LaRouche issued the following statement:
"Congress has acted in a dilatory fashion in dealing with a situation which I warned about approximately one year ago. Nothing has been done to stop the destruction of the auto industry, and thus we now face a disaster which could have been avoided.
"Congress should examine its conscience. The Delphi action, and the overall auto collapse, is not just about the employees and their conditions, but about the structure of the U.S. economy. Anyone who doesn't act now, doesn't give a damn about the United States."