The Old Economics Is Dead,
The New Economics Must Begin
Dec. 27, 2006 (EIRNS)—The following announcement was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee.
Mark Thursday, Jan. 11 on your calendar. That's the date for the next webcast address by Democratic Party statesman Lyndon LaRouche.
The webcast, to begin at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, will occur one week after the newly-elected, Democratic-majority Congress is sworn into office. LaRouche's address will drive an economic agenda into the House of Representatives, just as the New Politics was driven by a new generation of voters, led by the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) on Nov. 7, 2006.
The new Congress will be met by a LYM week of action in Washington, D.C.
Use the next two weeks, especially at holiday gatherings of family and friends, to spread the word about LaRouche's webcast. There's no better gift for ourselves and the nation than LaRouche's proposed agenda for the Congress of the New Economics and double impeachment!
The live webcast will be streamed from the LaRouche PAC's website,