LaRouche Welcomes Outcome of Kennebunkport Summit, Clinton Remarks on SDI
July 3, 2007 (EIRNS)--This release was issued by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC).
Lyndon LaRouche emphasized the importance of the successful U.S.-Russia meetings in Kennebunkport, Maine, which involved former President George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush, along with President George W. Bush and Laura Bush, and Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Mrs. Putin. There was a lot of institutional input into briefings to Bush, Sr., which were reflected in the Russians' appreciation of his knowledge of their national economic situation, among other things.
In addition, there was an unexpected positive outcome on the question of missile defense, due to President Bush's willingness to listen to Putin's proposals, reported Washington sources following the summit. Washington, D.C. sources report that the Putin proposal on missile defense entails a European-wide shield under joint NATO-Russian control. If the proposal is accepted, it will result in future collaboration into the next decade.
LaRouche also praised the speech by former President Bill Clinton in Yalta, Ukraine, where he revived the call for East-West cooperation in missile defense, specifically citing the 1983 Strategic Defense Initiative of former President Ronald Reagan—a policy that the world knows, came from LaRouche.
These two events—the positive outcome of Kennebunkport, and the Clinton speech—are strategically crucial and reflect the cumulative role of LaRouche, over decades, to forge a "community of nations" strategic outlook as U.S. policy.
"This is what I set into motion on June 21st," said LaRouche, refering to his June 21, 2007 international webcast from Washington, D.C., on "the world's biggest loose end."
Washington sources warned that hardliners within the Cheney gang and the Republican Party will have a strong reaction to the Bush-Putin agreements, and that there will be a similar backlash from Democratic hardliners who lean toward Russia-bashing.
LaRouche noted—referring to this backlash—that the Kennebunkport developments are the backdrop to Bush's compromise in commuting the sentence of Cheney's man, Scooter Libby, and that Clinton's opening to the Russians gave Democrat John Edwards a "kick in the butt." Edwards had co-chaired a Council on Foreign Relations task force that vilified Russia.