LaRouche Denounces White House Claims of ‘Executive Privilege’ as a Fraud
July 12, 2007 (EIRNS)--The LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC) issued the following release today.
July 12 (LPAC)—Lyndon LaRouche today denounced the Bush-Cheney White House claims of "executive privilege"—asserted to prevent White House officials from testifying under subpoena to the Senate and House Judiciary Committees—as "fraudulent."
The White House claim, LaRouche said, is "totally contrary to the U.S. Constitution, and constitutes "an attempt to establish a dictatorship in the United States."
"People who don't want a dictatorship will reject this argument. We don't need the Supreme Court to tell us it's unconstitutional. The smell alone tells us. We don't need the Supreme Court to tell us that shit stinks."