LaRouche: Karl Rove Was
Fired To Protect the President
Aug. 14 (EIRNS)—The following release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC).
In response to the announcement yesterday that Karl Rove is leaving the White House at the end of the month in order to spend more time with his family, Lyndon LaRouche asked: "Where is his mysterious family?" LaRouche continued that Rove was not resigning. Rove was fired to protect the President because of the US attorneys scandal. He was told to "git" out of town, in the hope that his removal from executive premises will remove the liability which Rove represents to the President.
LaRouche said that Rove will be subject to a wide-ranging Congressional investigation involving multiple subpoenas. Undoubtedly the President will try to give Rove immunity through claims of executive privilege. However, the general response of the White House will be to try to diffuse the situation by saying: "He's not here anymore."
Today, in a lead editorial entitled, "Mr. Rove Gets Out of Town," the New York Times writes: "Karl Rove ... announced yesterday that he is leaving the White House to spend more time with his family. What he didn't say is that by getting out of town he is also hoping to avoid spending any time at all with Congressional investigators. Congress should not oblige." The Times then points out that Rove "is already defying one Congressional subpoena to testify about the United States attorneys scandal. He should be made to respond to that one, and should also be subpoenaed to explain his role in several other cases of crass politicalization."