LaRouche's China Breakthrough Brought to Mexican Senate Meeting on PLHINO
Dec. 3, 2007 (EIRNS)—This release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC).
The Mexican Senate's Regional Development Committee, meeting on Nov. 27 to discuss how to get construction of the tri-state regional water management plan known as the North West Hydraulic Plan (PLHINO) underway, were briefed on the good news that the official press agency of the world's most populous nation, China, is publicizing U.S. statesman Lyndon LaRouche's proposal for the "Four Powers"—Russia, China, India and the United States—to join together to force through the creation of a new world monetary system.
The coordinator of the Sonora-based 21st Century Pro-PLHINO Committee, long-time LaRouche associate Alberto Vizcarra, told the committee that there is a shift underway worldwide towards building great infrastructure projects again, and Russia and China are pressuring the United States to get on board, too. This is seen in Xinhua's coverage of "famous political activist" LaRouche's speech before the "U.S.-China Relationship and China's Peaceful Reunification" forum in Los Angeles on Nov. 24, Vizcarra said. This global discussion of LaRouche's solution to the failure of the present system, sets the framework for our discussion in Mexico of how to secure construction of such great projects as the PLHINO, he told them.
The meeting on the PLHINO, broadcast live over Congress's cable channel, was attended by eight or so Senators from the three states directly involved in the PLHINO project (Sonora, Nayarit and Sinaloa), the head of the Senate Water Resources Committee, and representatives of the National Water Commission and the Presidency. The meeting was also addressed by Manuel Frias, a Mexican engineer working with the Pro-PLHINO Committee, who has updated decades-old PLHINO plans, with an ambitious tunnel-and-dam project appropriate for the 21st century.
Several Senators agreed with the Pro-PLHINO Committee, that Mexico needs to return to the great infrastructure policy it once had, and, after a discussion of whether or not Mexico could afford to do so, members resolved to open a discussion on the criteria which must govern budget, monetary and credit policy.