Rapidly Spreading HBPA Is Introduced, Gains Support in More State Legislatures
Jan. 11, 2008 (EIRNS)—This release was issued on today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC).
Resolutions demanding that Congress pass a Homeowners and Bank Protection Act, as proposed by Lyndon LaRouche, have just been officially introduced into two more states, the second and third to receive an HBPA resolution this week.
In Missouri's legislature, which just came into session, HCR 9 already has 19 sponsors; it's a bipartisan resolution with prime sponsors Rep. Juanita Walton (D) and Rep. James Guest (R). In Maryland, also just into session this week, the Homeowners and Bank Protection resolution, HJ 1, is co-sponsored by Democratic Delegates Stukes and Robinson.
Rhode Island is the third state to have taken up an HBPA resolution this week, in its House of Representatives; and several cities and counties in Texas, including Brownsville, voted up resolutions calling on Congress for this urgent, overdue action to stop foreclosures and protect banks from insolvency. Resolutions on the HBPA are circulating rapidly from city to city in many states, often beyond the direct organizing efforts of the Lyndon LaRouche PAC.