A Suicide Club:
MySpace, Facebook, and Bebo
Jan. 24, 2008 (EIRNS)—This release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC).
As the British Empire assault on the institution of the sovereign nation-state continues, creating the imminent danger of a repeat of the 1923 Germany Weimar hyperinflation of the U.S. dollar, followed, or accompanied by an intended Felix Rohatyn and George Shultz inspired, Michael Bloomberg fascist dictatorship in the United States, citizens must ask, what is the link connecting the seven teens and twenty-somethings who, each, in succession, over the past year, have hung themselves in the small town of Bridgend, South Wales in the United Kingdom? The link, if you will, situated in the context of our world political crisis, is the British digital networking site Bebo, the British version of MySpace and Facebook. These sites, such as Bebo, today act as digital suicide clubs for youth of the ages 14-25, where once you log in, you're already dead. And these internet tombs, a capital element in the British Empire's warfare against human civilization, are frequented by today's youth in the privacy and security of their own bedrooms, with mummy and daddy, oftentimes, right downstairs.
The intentionally designed, and destructive nature of the sites themselves, and therefore the key to the suicide puzzle in Bridgend, South Wales, is the digital program of the sites, which disallow all and any expression of human creativity, and rather twist the human mind into coherence with the mind destroying logic and limits of a non-living machine. This digital programming, turned social networking, is the intended effect of social network controllers like Bill Gates and Rupert Murdoch, who insist that the human mind is no better, if not worse, than a silicon microchip.
This chain of seven young suicides in the small English town of Bridgend has been, recently, widely reported in popular media, such as London's Daily Mail, and CNN, but not one of these sources, as is to be expected, has identified the digital internet suicide club phenomenon as the cause of the events at hand, although fingers are being correctly pointed in its direction. All seven youth were friends with each other, and all spent as many as 3-5 hours per day, logged in to their British social networking site, or more appropriately named, Suicide Club, called Bebo. Madeleine Moon, the MP for Bridgend, told BBC radio, This is not just happening in the town of Bridgend, it is happening across a 15-mile radius. This is a small community. People know each other. Family links are very easily made and friendships are very easily made because most people tend to socialize in the evening in the town of Bridgend. What worries me is that when you start entering a virtual world, as these young people are doing on this Bebo site, you lose the reality of loss, the actual consequences of what you are talking about and the horrible reality of death — in particular, the consequences on family and friends and the whole lack of a future for these young people, which is absolutely tragic.
The coroner for the town of Bridgend, Phillip Walters, said he is "desperately concerned" about the chain of young suicides, and of the connection to teenage social network sites such as Bebo and MySpace. He said, "I shall be looking at these networking sites myself to see if there is a link between them and the growing number of youngsters committing suicide. But in the meantime I want to warn youngsters about the possible dangers these websites can pose. I would also like to warn parents to be actively on the alert for signs of their children being influenced by others on these sites. We never seem to get to the bottom of these deaths and no one seems to be able to explain them. It is of great concern that some of them seem to be happening for no apparent reason."
As LaRouchePAC has been making the point, more than clearly, since issuing the "Is the Devil in Your Laptop?" mass distribution pamphlet, these Bridgend officials are now pointing, for certain, to the cause of the problem. And, as documented in that pamphlet, along with Sky Shields article, "What Exactly, Is a Human Being? Analog, Digital, and Transcendental," in the Jan. 4, 2008 issue of EIR magazine, it is the intention of those controlling and developing the digital software for these sites, such as Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch and others, to have this very type of soul-molesting effect on the 14-25-year old age bracket of today's world.
LPAC will bring more to come on this investigation.